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Related objects for NMK.2012.0091.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Wilhelm Peters, showing a man and a woman standing closely together on a small balcony. They are looking out towards a crescent moon in a twilight sky, surrounded by indistinct trees or shrubs, rendered in muted shades of gray and white. The painting has an aged off-white border suggestive of an old sketchbook page.

Illustrasjon til Henrik Wergeland, Den engelske lods

Wilhelm Peters

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 A Dutch oil painting on wood panel by an unidentified artist, showing a young man in a rust-colored 17th-century outfit, handing his hat to an older woman in a red dress and white headwear, with a vase of red flowers on a ledge in the background.

The love letter

Uidentifisert, hollandsk

Relevance Score: 0.9683

 "Oil on canvas painting by Erik Werenskiold depicting a woman in a dark blue jacket and muted skirt standing in a lush, green countryside with a stream and a wooden bridge, under a pastel-hued dawn or dusk sky."

Evening at Pipping

Erik Werenskiold

Relevance Score: 0.9639

 An oil painting by Edvard Munch featuring two women outdoors, one standing in a white gown and the other seated in a dark cloak, against a background of rolling green hills and a twilight sky with houses peeking over the hill on the left, under a round sun. The work employs expressive brushstrokes and a vivid color palette.

Mother and Daughter

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9631

 An oil painting on canvas by Per Smith-Kielland featuring three individuals at varying depths. The painting uses a muted color palette of greys, beiges, browns, and cool blues to create a contemplative scene with expressive, Impressionistic brushwork.

Three Girls

Per Smith-Kielland

Relevance Score: 0.9627

 An Edvard Munch oil painting on canvas, showcasing a woman in a white dress and a red shawl looking away into the distance, standing before a green tree and wooden bridge, with white cottages against a blue twilight sky.

The Girls on the Bridge

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9602

 "Landscape painting on canvas by Hans Gude featuring a vast wilderness scene with dark green lush trees in the foreground framing a tranquil body of water, with mountains shrouded in mist in the background under a sky with clouds tinged by the golden light of the sun."

Norwegian Highlands in Sunrise

Hans Gude

Relevance Score: 0.9600

 An oil painting on wood panel by Oscar A. Wergeland, portraying a winding path through a natural, overgrown landscape. The color scheme consists of dark browns and grays in the foliage to the left, a dusty brown path to the right, and a luminous sky in creams and soft grays, exuding a serene atmosphere.

Country Road

Oscar A. Wergeland

Relevance Score: 0.9598

 "The Madonna" by Edvard Munch, a haunting painting depicting a woman in a white dress standing with her hands behind her head in a dark, forest-like background, accompanied by a secondary, obscured figure to her left expressing despair.


Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9598

 "Soria Moria" by Theodor Kittelsen, a fine art oil on canvas depicting a silhouetted figure with a hat and walking stick standing on rocky terrain, gazing towards a misty landscape with an atmospheric sky showing a sliver of golden light on the horizon.

Far, far away Soria Moria Palace shimmered like Gold

Theodor Kittelsen

Relevance Score: 0.9597

 Oil on canvas painting by Eilif Peterssen depicting a dimly lit interior scene with an individual in a dark jacket and hat engrossed in reading or writing at a table. The artwork features earthy tones with subtle lighting, creating an atmosphere of historical ambiance and focused solitude.


Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9597

 "Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe" by Édouard Manet, an impressionistic oil painting on wood featuring three figures in a pastoral setting. A woman sits nude on the ground, draped in red fabric, with a second clothed woman in blue and white standing behind her, and a third figure in a floral dress in the background. The scene is set against a loosely painted landscape with trees and a hint of water under a white and blue sky.

Surprised nymph

Édouard Manet

Relevance Score: 0.9587

 An oil painting by Domenico Maggiotto on canvas depicting a scene with three figures, featuring a woman in a white blouse and brown shawl with a tan hat looking at the viewer, a young boy reaching into a basket in her lap, and a man in shadows observing, all set against a dark, undefined background.

The Fruitseller

Domenico Maggiotto

Relevance Score: 0.9581

 A landscape oil painting by Caspar David Friedrich, depicting a quiet, twilight scene with a hazy sky over a dark horizon with barren trees and an impression of a distant city skyline. The painting is executed in muted grays and earth tones, evoking a sense of serene melancholy.

Greifswald in Moonlight

Caspar David Friedrich

Relevance Score: 0.9579

 An impressionistic oil on canvas landscape painting by Thorvald Erichsen, displaying a serene natural scene with soft blends of pinks, greens, blues, and lilacs to evoke a tranquil dawn or dusk atmosphere.

From Holmsbu

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9571

 An oil on canvas painting by Else Hagen, featuring a pale-skinned woman with a yellow hair-flower garland around her neck, standing against a backdrop of cool-toned abstract geometric shapes, obscuring her face with her hands.


Else Hagen

Relevance Score: 0.9570

 An oil painting on canvas adhered to paperboard by Eilif Peterssen showing two figures sitting closely together near a body of water on an overcast day, with muted colors and expressive brushwork creating a contemplative mood.

The Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt

Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9570

 "Autumn Conversation" by Edvard Munch, an oil painting portraying two figures in black clothing standing on a wooden deck amidst a vivid autumn landscape with expressive color palette, emphasising shades of orange, red, and

On the Veranda

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9567

 A romantic landscape painting by August Cappelen, featuring a tall tree in the center with earthy brown bark and green needles, surrounded by rocky terrain and sparse vegetation in the foreground, with a forested valley and blue-purple mountains in the background, all rendered in oil on canvas mounted on paperboard.

Rocky Landscape with Pinetreees

August Cappelen

Relevance Score: 0.9566

 "Loving Couple," an oil painting on wood by Frans Decker, featuring a man whispering into the ear of a reclining woman dressed in deep red, in a dimly lit room, with another figure in the background near a fireplace and an overturned jug and plate in the foreground.

Loving Couple

Frans Decker

Relevance Score: 0.9556

 "A tranquil oil on canvas painting by François Louis Français depicting a solitary figure amidst boulders and dense, dark green foliage, with the soft pastel sky peeking through the treetops."

Landskap med Milon fra Kroton

François Louis Français

Relevance Score: 0.9556

 A muted, earth-toned painting by Gerhard Munthe of two old wooden buildings in a rural landscape, created with oil on canvas pasted onto a cardboard plate.

Autumn Evening at the Farm, Øylo

Gerhard Munthe

Relevance Score: 0.9554

 An oil on canvas landscape painting by Knud Geelmuyden Bull, depicting a tranquil natural scene with barren fields in the foreground, a reflective body of water in the middle ground, rising mountains in the background, and a dynamic sky filled with sunlight-kissed clouds. A solitary church spire contrasts against the wilderness-imbued setting.

Landskap fra Sogn med Gaupne kirke

Knud Geelmuyden Bull

Relevance Score: 0.9552

 A muted oil painting on wood by Jan Miense Molenaer, showing two merry men in 17th-century attire, one holding a small black object, possibly a pipe, with both engaged in what looks like a lighthearted exchange amidst dark, earth-toned surroundings.

The good drink

Jan Miense Molenaer

Relevance Score: 0.9552

 "A serene oil on canvas by Harriet Backer, showing two figures engrossed in an activity beside a sunlit window within a room painted in muted browns, greys, with touches of dusty rose, black, and blue. The intricate play of light and shadow captures a moment of shared focus and rustic tranquility."

Farm Interior, Knabberud in Bærum

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9551

 "Rural Landscape" by Léon Germain Pelouse is an oil on canvas artwork depicting a serene scene of a stream bordered by lush trees with a footbridge in the foreground, rustic buildings in the mid-ground, and an overcast sky above, executed in a palette of greens, browns, grays, and soft reds.


Léon Germain Pelouse

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 "Oil painting on canvas by Thomas Couture depicting a young person in a creamy-white shirt and teal garment, concentrating on a task, with a brown head wrap, set against a dark, indistinct background."

Portrait Study of the Painter Anselm Feuerbach

Thomas Couture

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 An oil painting by an unidentified German artist featuring a group of classical figures in a wooded outdoor setting. The artwork is characterized by its earthy color palette, with figures clad in period clothing interacting amidst greens, browns, and soft blues, conveying a sense of historical or allegorical narrative.

Kjærlighet på det franske teater

Uidentifisert kunstner, tysk

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 "Late Afternoon Landscape," an oil painting on canvas by Harriet Backer, showcases a serene countryside with winding paths through fields bordered by farmer's compounds under a sky transitioning from sunset colors to twilight. The artwork exhibits a rich tapestry of earthy greens, browns, fading blues, and subtle golden hues.

Autumn, Strålsjøhaugen

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9549

 Oil painting on canvas by Erling Enger, depicting a stylized family portrait within a richly decorated room, featuring a man, a girl with a blue toy, and a woman standing next to an easel with a child's drawing, showcasing varied textures and a vivid color palette.

The Family, the Artist's Wife and Child

Erling Enger

Relevance Score: 0.9549