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Related objects for NG.M.00148.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Loving Couple," an oil painting on wood by Frans Decker, featuring a man whispering into the ear of a reclining woman dressed in deep red, in a dimly lit room, with another figure in the background near a fireplace and an overturned jug and plate in the foreground.

Loving Couple

Frans Decker

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 A Dutch oil painting on wood panel by an unidentified artist, showing a young man in a rust-colored 17th-century outfit, handing his hat to an older woman in a red dress and white headwear, with a vase of red flowers on a ledge in the background.

The love letter

Uidentifisert, hollandsk

Relevance Score: 0.9656

 Oil painting on wood by Harriet Backer depicting an intimate indoor scene with a wooden table and cabinet illuminated by natural light from a window. Earthy brown tones dominate, with highlights of blue and green, conveying a serene domestic setting with two figures engaged in quiet activity.

Peasant's Cottage, Rochefort-en-Terre, Brittany

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9597

 Oil on canvas painting by Eilif Peterssen depicting a dimly lit interior scene with an individual in a dark jacket and hat engrossed in reading or writing at a table. The artwork features earthy tones with subtle lighting, creating an atmosphere of historical ambiance and focused solitude.


Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9564

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Wilhelm Peters, showing a man and a woman standing closely together on a small balcony. They are looking out towards a crescent moon in a twilight sky, surrounded by indistinct trees or shrubs, rendered in muted shades of gray and white. The painting has an aged off-white border suggestive of an old sketchbook page.

Illustrasjon til Henrik Wergeland, Den engelske lods

Wilhelm Peters

Relevance Score: 0.9556

 An oil painting by Domenico Maggiotto on canvas depicting a scene with three figures, featuring a woman in a white blouse and brown shawl with a tan hat looking at the viewer, a young boy reaching into a basket in her lap, and a man in shadows observing, all set against a dark, undefined background.

The Fruitseller

Domenico Maggiotto

Relevance Score: 0.9538

 Oil painting by Harriet Backer depicting a serene moment inside a wooden cabin with two individuals seated at a central table. The warm hues of the wooden interior blend with red and dark attire of the figures, highlighted subtly by natural light streaming through a window, capturing a sense of stillness and intimate daily life.

The Old Cottage at Kolbotn, Hulda and Arne Garborg's Home

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9533

 Oil on canvas painting by Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche, depicting a rustic interior with a woman seated at a table filled with fruit, near a staircase leading upward, capturing the use of warm lighting and earthen tones.

The Cardinal

Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche

Relevance Score: 0.9530

 "A serene oil on canvas by Harriet Backer, showing two figures engrossed in an activity beside a sunlit window within a room painted in muted browns, greys, with touches of dusty rose, black, and blue. The intricate play of light and shadow captures a moment of shared focus and rustic tranquility."

Farm Interior, Knabberud in Bærum

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9524

 Oil painting on canvas by Erling Enger, depicting a stylized family portrait within a richly decorated room, featuring a man, a girl with a blue toy, and a woman standing next to an easel with a child's drawing, showcasing varied textures and a vivid color palette.

The Family, the Artist's Wife and Child

Erling Enger

Relevance Score: 0.9523

 Oil painting on canvas by Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche depicting an old man sitting at a wooden table in a rustic interior space with earthy tones and sunlight filtering through an open door.


Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche

Relevance Score: 0.9519

 A monochromatic oil painting by Wilhelm Peters on canvas, showing a social scene with a woman seated while a man kisses her hand

Illustrasjon til Henrik Wergeland, Den engelske lods

Wilhelm Peters

Relevance Score: 0.9517

 "The Bridal Party Arrives" by Adolph Tidemand, an oil on canvas painting depicting a traditional 19th century Norwegian interior. A young boy in red boots stands before an elderly man seated at a wooden table, with two women near the doorway in a warmly lit, rustic wooden room filled with period details.

Anmeldelse til konfirmasjon

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9511

 Oil on wood panel portrait by Eilif Peterssen presenting a thoughtful person with light brown hair and glasses, dressed in dark formal attire against a dark brown background, evoking a contemplative mood.


Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9510

 A muted oil painting on wood by Jan Miense Molenaer, showing two merry men in 17th-century attire, one holding a small black object, possibly a pipe, with both engaged in what looks like a lighthearted exchange amidst dark, earth-toned surroundings.

The good drink

Jan Miense Molenaer

Relevance Score: 0.9508

 An oil on canvas by Harriet Backer depicting an intimate interior scene with three figures. A child sits in the left foreground with their back to the viewer while two adults converse in the center. The rooms walls are adorned with art, conveying a quiet, homey atmosphere with expressive brushstrokes in a harmonious palette of greens, blues, and dark tones.

Music, Interior from Kristiania

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9501

 Oil painting on canvas by Valentin de Boulogne, featuring a portrait of a man from the chest up with dark brown hair, set against a dark background with a subtle landscape. The man is wearing a dark doublet with decorative buttons and a crisp white collar, and his expression is contemplative.

Portrait of a Young Artist

Valentin de Boulogne

Relevance Score: 0.9499

 Oil on canvas painting by Christian Krohg depicting a young adult in a dark greenish-gray jacket and burgundy scarf asleep with their head on a bed next to a red cradle, where a small child wrapped in a pink blanket is also sleeping. The background is muted with faded tones, emphasizing the warm, intimate moment between the two figures.

Mother and Child

Christian Krohg

Relevance Score: 0.9494

 Oil on canvas portrait by Hans Heyerdahl depicting a man with pale skin and dark curly hair, wearing a dark high-necked garment with a light collar. He has dark, introspective eyes set within a serious expression. The background is dark, focusing attention on the subject.

Portrait of the Editor Ola Thommessen

Hans Heyerdahl

Relevance Score: 0.9494

 "Mother and Child" by Quiringh van Brekelenkam is a painting of a seated woman in a white head covering, orange bodice, and red skirt holding a swaddled baby in her arms, next to a wicker cradle with a dark cloth, all against a dark brown background.

Mother and Child

Quiringh van Brekelenkam

Relevance Score: 0.9494

 An oil painting on canvas by Harriet Backer depicting a young woman in a green dress sitting and reading, with the attention drawn to a red lampshade to her right, set against a backdrop of soft, muted colors.

Evening, Interior

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9491

 "Woman Making Love" by Edvard Munch, an oil painting on canvas depicting a serene, ethereal woman with her eyes closed, highlighted by a luminous complexion and framed by a halo of bright red, against a dark, swirling background.

Woman Making Love

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9486

 "Interior with Figures" by Thorvald Erichsen, an oil painting depicting a subdued interior scene with two indistinct figures, one by a desk with a green-shaded lamp and another seated figure in dark clothing. The color palette consists of muted earthy tones with highlights of green and a touch of cobalt blue.

Interior with the Artists Oluf and Kris Wold-Torne

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9486

 An oil painting on canvas by Bernhard Folkestad depicting a woman sitting beside a window in a muted-color room, with a terracotta pot of flowers and a white vase on the windowsill, bathed in soft, natural light.

From the Studio

Bernhard Folkestad

Relevance Score: 0.9486

 Oil painting by Halfdan Egedius on canvas showing a young man in black attire sitting on a bright red bench. The man gazes downward in contemplation, amidst a muted interior setting with soft lighting that suggests depth and texture.

The Dreamer. The Artist Torleiv Stadskleiv

Halfdan Egedius

Relevance Score: 0.9485

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Thorvald Erichsen depicting a seated woman in a brown top and dark skirt on a red chair with a green backrest. Warm sunlight filters onto the left side of the canvas, while cooler green and blue hues suggest shadow on the right, revealing a vibrantly textured domestic scene.

Seated Woman in an Interior

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9483

 "Portrait of a Woman" by Nils von Dardel, an oil painting on canvas featuring a seated woman with dark hair in a bob cut, wearing a white blouse, a green vest with red trim, and a dark blue skirt, sitting on a patterned chair against a muted blue background.

Bulgarsk kvinnne

Nils von Dardel

Relevance Score: 0.9483

 "Haugianerne" by Adolph Tidemand, an oil on canvas painting displaying a 19th-century rural indoor gathering. The central focus is an elderly man and a blonde child in a storyteller's embrace, surrounded by attentive, affectionately poised adults. The soft lighting emphasizes warm browns, muted reds, and creams in the subjects' clothing and the rustic wooden interior.

Funeral Feast

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9479

 Oil painting on canvas, mounted on wood panel, by Harriet Backer, depicting a woman engaged in an activity indoors. The scene is illuminated by a soft, warm light from a lamp on the left, enhancing the earthy and muted blues and grays of the room's interior.

Woman Sewing by Lamplight

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9479

 "Mother and Child" by Alexander Schultz, an oil painting on canvas showcasing a contemplative woman in a patterned dress seated next to a young child in a blue outfit, set against a backdrop of indistinct household objects in soft blues, greens, and earth tones.

Reading aloud

Alexander Schultz

Relevance Score: 0.9476