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Related objects for NG.M.02155.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 Oil painting on canvas by Erling Enger, depicting a stylized family portrait within a richly decorated room, featuring a man, a girl with a blue toy, and a woman standing next to an easel with a child's drawing, showcasing varied textures and a vivid color palette.

The Family, the Artist's Wife and Child

Erling Enger

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 An oil painting on canvas by Per Smith-Kielland featuring three individuals at varying depths. The painting uses a muted color palette of greys, beiges, browns, and cool blues to create a contemplative scene with expressive, Impressionistic brushwork.

Three Girls

Per Smith-Kielland

Relevance Score: 0.9713

 A Dutch oil painting on wood panel by an unidentified artist, showing a young man in a rust-colored 17th-century outfit, handing his hat to an older woman in a red dress and white headwear, with a vase of red flowers on a ledge in the background.

The love letter

Uidentifisert, hollandsk

Relevance Score: 0.9683

 "Mother and Child" by Alexander Schultz, an oil painting on canvas showcasing a contemplative woman in a patterned dress seated next to a young child in a blue outfit, set against a backdrop of indistinct household objects in soft blues, greens, and earth tones.

Reading aloud

Alexander Schultz

Relevance Score: 0.9667

 An oil painting by Domenico Maggiotto on canvas depicting a scene with three figures, featuring a woman in a white blouse and brown shawl with a tan hat looking at the viewer, a young boy reaching into a basket in her lap, and a man in shadows observing, all set against a dark, undefined background.

The Fruitseller

Domenico Maggiotto

Relevance Score: 0.9666

 An oil on canvas by Harriet Backer depicting an intimate interior scene with three figures. A child sits in the left foreground with their back to the viewer while two adults converse in the center. The rooms walls are adorned with art, conveying a quiet, homey atmosphere with expressive brushstrokes in a harmonious palette of greens, blues, and dark tones.

Music, Interior from Kristiania

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9664

 An abstract oil painting on canvas by Aage Storstein, featuring three stylized figures with elongated forms and muted earthy tones, including beige, light brown, and soft grays, with touches of pale blue and yellow, set against an indistinct background of interlocking shapes. The central figure appears contemplative and possibly seated, with interactions suggested between the figures.

Thorough Cleaning

Aage Storstein

Relevance Score: 0.9655

 An oil on canvas painting by Else Hagen, featuring a pale-skinned woman with a yellow hair-flower garland around her neck, standing against a backdrop of cool-toned abstract geometric shapes, obscuring her face with her hands.


Else Hagen

Relevance Score: 0.9640

 An impressionist oil painting on canvas by Ludvig Karsten featuring a figure in blue, likely a woman, performing a domestic task. The expressive brushstrokes in blues, greens, and warmer tones of red and yellow create a vibrant scene of indoor life with textural depth and an abstracted sense of reality.

In the Laundry

Ludvig Karsten

Relevance Score: 0.9638

 "Portrait of a Woman" by Signe Scheel, oil on canvas. A woman wearing a white blouse with a ruffled neckline and bow is painted against a neutral brown background. She has brown hair in an up-do and looks directly at the viewer with a composed expression. The painting combines realism with impressionistic brushwork.

Portrait of Valborg Nicolaysen, the Artist's Sister

Signe Scheel

Relevance Score: 0.9635

 "Oil painting on canvas by Thomas Couture depicting a young person in a creamy-white shirt and teal garment, concentrating on a task, with a brown head wrap, set against a dark, indistinct background."

Portrait Study of the Painter Anselm Feuerbach

Thomas Couture

Relevance Score: 0.9635

 "The Bridal Party Arrives" by Adolph Tidemand, an oil on canvas painting depicting a traditional 19th century Norwegian interior. A young boy in red boots stands before an elderly man seated at a wooden table, with two women near the doorway in a warmly lit, rustic wooden room filled with period details.

Anmeldelse til konfirmasjon

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9632

 Oil on canvas painting by Eilif Peterssen depicting a dimly lit interior scene with an individual in a dark jacket and hat engrossed in reading or writing at a table. The artwork features earthy tones with subtle lighting, creating an atmosphere of historical ambiance and focused solitude.


Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9631

 Oil painting on wood by Harriet Backer depicting an intimate indoor scene with a wooden table and cabinet illuminated by natural light from a window. Earthy brown tones dominate, with highlights of blue and green, conveying a serene domestic setting with two figures engaged in quiet activity.

Peasant's Cottage, Rochefort-en-Terre, Brittany

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9627

 Oil painting on canvas by Edvard Munch featuring a figure in a dark teal blouse and dark skirt, with hands gently clasped in front. The figure stands against a swirl of pastel lavender, pink, and light blue in the background, creating a striking contrast.

Mrs. Schwarz

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9625

 Oil on canvas painting by Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche, depicting a rustic interior with a woman seated at a table filled with fruit, near a staircase leading upward, capturing the use of warm lighting and earthen tones.

The Cardinal

Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche

Relevance Score: 0.9621

 "Painting by Mathilde Dietrichson, oil on canvas glued to a wooden board, showing a serious-looking child with curly hair sitting on the ground holding a brown object, with a black bird to their right and plant debris to the left, set against a gradient of beige and gray background."

Good Friends

Mathilde Dietrichson

Relevance Score: 0.9619

 An oil painting on canvas by Bernhard Folkestad depicting a woman sitting beside a window in a muted-color room, with a terracotta pot of flowers and a white vase on the windowsill, bathed in soft, natural light.

From the Studio

Bernhard Folkestad

Relevance Score: 0.9619

 An oil painting by Per Krohg on canvas depicting a pale man with a somber expression holding open a brown overcoat to

Portrait of the Author Maurice Bedel

Per Krohg

Relevance Score: 0.9618

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Thorvald Erichsen depicting a seated woman in a brown top and dark skirt on a red chair with a green backrest. Warm sunlight filters onto the left side of the canvas, while cooler green and blue hues suggest shadow on the right, revealing a vibrantly textured domestic scene.

Seated Woman in an Interior

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9612

 An expressive oil painting on canvas by artist Henrik Sørensen, featuring a woman in a blue and white striped dress standing in a room with abstract blue and white background elements, capturing a reflective mood with bold brushwork.

Gudrun at the Door

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9607

 An oil painting on canvas by Harriet Backer depicting a young woman in a green dress sitting and reading, with the attention drawn to a red lampshade to her right, set against a backdrop of soft, muted colors.

Evening, Interior

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9604

 Oil painting on paperboard by Kristian Zahrtmann featuring a young woman seated in a draped garment with a thoughtful expression, highlighted by a palette of creamy whites, beiges, muted greens, and earthy browns.

Figurstudie til "Herren åpenbarte seg for de forsamlede disipler"

Kristian Zahrtmann

Relevance Score: 0.9602

 An oil painting by an unidentified German artist featuring a group of classical figures in a wooded outdoor setting. The artwork is characterized by its earthy color palette, with figures clad in period clothing interacting amidst greens, browns, and soft blues, conveying a sense of historical or allegorical narrative.

Kjærlighet på det franske teater

Uidentifisert kunstner, tysk

Relevance Score: 0.9601

 Oil painting on paper by Adolph Tidemand mounted on wood fiber board, depicting a contemplative young woman seated and dressed in a traditional dark blue dress with a bright red headscarf. The neutral beige background complements the figure's serene expression and the realistic treatment of her attire.

Peasant Woman from Telemark

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9601

 An oil on paper board painting by Henrik Sørensen featuring a stylized, serene portrait at the center in blues and whites, surrounded by abstract color splashes in green, white, and dark blue on a textured background.

Standing Woman

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9595

 Oil painting "Woman in green Interior" by Kai Fjell featuring a stylized nude woman with golden-yellow skin holding a blue platter, standing in an interior with green hues, red chair, and furnished cupboards.

Woman in green Interior

Kai Fjell

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 Oil painting on canvas by Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche depicting an old man sitting at a wooden table in a rustic interior space with earthy tones and sunlight filtering through an open door.


Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 A painting by Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen depicting stylized figures with minimal detail amidst abstract elements in muted earthy tones with bright color accents, suggesting both motion and stillness on canvas.

Underground with Rails and Figures

Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen

Relevance Score: 0.9590

 "Familieportrett," an abstract visual art piece by Ellen Karin Mæhlum, featuring dark, abstract figures in red, brown, and blue hues on textured paper, highlighted by occasional splashes of yellow and light blue, enclosed in a dark frame.


Ellen Karin Mæhlum

Relevance Score: 0.9586