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Related objects for NG.M.03149.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 An oil painting on canvas adhered to paperboard by Eilif Peterssen showing two figures sitting closely together near a body of water on an overcast day, with muted colors and expressive brushwork creating a contemplative mood.

The Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt

Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 A tranquil landscape oil painting on canvas by Peder Balke, depicting a calm body of water with a solitary figure on the shore, a small boat with occupants, towering cliffs, and a snow-capped mountain in the distance, all under a softly rendered overcast sky. The subdued palette features earthy greens, blues, grays, and pale colors conveying a serene atmosphere.

Coastal Landscape

Peder Balke

Relevance Score: 0.9644

 "Reflection in Autumn" by Eilif Peterssen, an oil on wood panel fine art painting depicting an elderly woman clad in traditional dark clothing sitting contemplatively on a rock in an autumnal forest clearing, with a bare tree to her left and autumn leaves in warm hues of brown and red to her right, under a partially cloudy blue sky.

Andante. Autumn Eveneing at Ask

Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9638

 An oil painting on wood by Peder Balke featuring a landscape with calm waters in the foreground, green vegetation on either side, a mountain range in the background under a sky with light cloud cover and birds in flight. The colors are soft and muted, with a palette of grays, blues, browns, and greens creating a serene, ethereal scene.


Peder Balke

Relevance Score: 0.9632

 "Oil painting on paperboard by Anders Askevold showcasing a tranquil landscape with boats on a pebbly shore, with soft, earthy colors and a misty atmosphere, conveying peace and the beauty of nature."

Boats at the Seaside

Anders Askevold

Relevance Score: 0.9622

 Oil painting on paperboard by Henrik Sørensen featuring an impressionistic scene with earthy greens, browns, and golden hues, depicting two abstract human figures amidst a natural background, emphasizing color and light over precise details.

Clearing in the Wood

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9619

 An oil painting by Johan Christian Dahl depicting a serene maritime scene with a small sailboat with a cream sail in the foreground, wooden poles on the right, and buildings with orange-brown roofs across calm water, under a light blue sky with wispy clouds.

The Citadel of Stavern

Johan Christian Dahl

Relevance Score: 0.9613

 A moody oil painting on wood fiber panel by artist Reidar Aulie depicting a solitary figure standing by a curved road leading under an arched bridge with silhouetted figures above, set against a graduating blue sky at twilight, capturing a sense of quiet contemplation.

The Bridge

Reidar Aulie

Relevance Score: 0.9613

 An oil painting on wood panel by Oscar A. Wergeland, portraying a winding path through a natural, overgrown landscape. The color scheme consists of dark browns and grays in the foliage to the left, a dusty brown path to the right, and a luminous sky in creams and soft grays, exuding a serene atmosphere.

Country Road

Oscar A. Wergeland

Relevance Score: 0.9612

 An oil on paperboard landscape painting by Jørgen Sørensen, featuring a foreground with intricate, leafless trees, and a background with distant buildings set against a cloudy, expressive sky, rendered in a muted, earthy color palette.

Early Spring in Aker

Jørgen Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9609

 "Interior with Figures" by Thorvald Erichsen, an oil painting depicting a subdued interior scene with two indistinct figures, one by a desk with a green-shaded lamp and another seated figure in dark clothing. The color palette consists of muted earthy tones with highlights of green and a touch of cobalt blue.

Interior with the Artists Oluf and Kris Wold-Torne

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9609

 Landscape oil painting on canvas by Ivar Lund featuring muted tones of blue, gray, and green depicting a mountainous region with a reflective body of water in the foreground and a cloudy or clearing pale blue sky. A green-gray cliff edge on the right suggests natural ruggedness and human presence through a visible path or road.

From the Glacier Lodalsbreen

Ivar Lund

Relevance Score: 0.9605

 "Soria Moria" by Theodor Kittelsen, a fine art oil on canvas depicting a silhouetted figure with a hat and walking stick standing on rocky terrain, gazing towards a misty landscape with an atmospheric sky showing a sliver of golden light on the horizon.

Far, far away Soria Moria Palace shimmered like Gold

Theodor Kittelsen

Relevance Score: 0.9602

 An oil painting on canvas by Christian August Lorentzen, featuring a river landscape with cows drinking at the forefront, a seated herdsman, and a sky with expressive clouds. The tones are natural and earthy, creating a serene pastoral scene.

The Waterfall Sarpsfossen

Christian August Lorentzen

Relevance Score: 0.9601

 An oil painting by Edvard Munch featuring two women outdoors, one standing in a white gown and the other seated in a dark cloak, against a background of rolling green hills and a twilight sky with houses peeking over the hill on the left, under a round sun. The work employs expressive brushstrokes and a vivid color palette.

Mother and Daughter

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9601

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Søren Onsager depicting a lively social gathering with people around a table, possibly engaged in a craft or game, set against a cool-hued background suggesting an outdoor setting with distant architectural forms. The painting employs a rich palette with a mix of soft and vibrant colors, showcasing the artist's fluid brushstrokes and the interplay of light and shadow.


Søren Onsager

Relevance Score: 0.9599

 Fine art painting by Christian Krohg, featuring a contemplative young boy in the foreground with a desaturated palette of blues and grays, standing against a backdrop of subdued rural or coastal landscape under an overcast sky, conveying a solemn and introspective mood.

The little Gaihede Girl

Christian Krohg

Relevance Score: 0.9595

 An oil painting by Hans Gude on canvas mounted on a paperboard depicting a thoughtful man sitting in a wooden rowboat under a muted sky, with shades of green and blue dominating the sea and sky, and a distant sailboat on the right with a warm-colored sail.

Fisherman from Rügen

Hans Gude

Relevance Score: 0.9594

 "Reflection or Sadness" by Henrik Sørensen, an oil painting on canvas showing a woman in deep thought, her hand supporting her head, with a colorful scarf and patterned garment, set against a textured green background.


Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 Oil on canvas landscape painting by Nikolai Astrup, featuring a visual art depiction of a dense forest with prominent birch trees, a hinted body of water, and a muted blue and grey distant background, providing a serene portrayal of an untouched natural setting.


Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9592

 Oil on canvas painting by Eilif Peterssen depicting a group of people in historical attire, centered around a man in a large hat holding a chain, with others listening and engaging in conversation, rendered in earthy tones with a focus on facial expressions and details of clothing, suggesting a scene of dialogue or negotiation in a dimly lit indoor setting.

Christian II signing the Death Warrant of Torben Oxe

Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9591

 An oil painting by an unidentified German artist featuring a group of classical figures in a wooded outdoor setting. The artwork is characterized by its earthy color palette, with figures clad in period clothing interacting amidst greens, browns, and soft blues, conveying a sense of historical or allegorical narrative.

Kjærlighet på det franske teater

Uidentifisert kunstner, tysk

Relevance Score: 0.9591

 "Oil on canvas painting by Harriet Backer depicting a peaceful riverside scene with houses and lush greenery reflected in the calm water, highlighted by a soft, pastel blue sky."

River Sandvikselven

Harriet Backer

Relevance Score: 0.9591

 A painting on canvas by Rudolph Thygesen featuring a leafless tree with orange and brown foliage in the foreground, with abstract figures walking in a park-like setting with an overcast sky. The color palette includes muted greens, greys, blues, and warm autumnal tones, invoking a sense of autumn in a modernist style.

17 May, 1922

Rudolph Thygesen

Relevance Score: 0.9588

 Oil painting on wood by Christian Skredsvig featuring a tranquil scene with an old European house surrounded by olive trees under sunlight, with a singular figure standing by a weathered wall, embodying a serene countryside ambiance.

From Sevilla in Spain

Christian Skredsvig

Relevance Score: 0.9588

 "Coastal Landscape" by Lars Hertervig, depicting a moody seascape with textured rocks in the foreground against a dramatic sky with heavy clouds and distant sailing ships, rendered in olje på treplate (oil on wood panel), demonstrating skillful use of light and color to evoke emotion.

Coastal Landscape

Lars Hertervig

Relevance Score: 0.9588

Alt Text: Oil on canvas landscape painting by Henrik Lund, featuring rugged foreground rocks in dark blues and greys, a middle ground with vibrant greens and hints of structures painted in reds and browns, and a pale blue sky meeting the land on the horizon. The painting has an impressionistic style with bold brushwork, evoking the dynamic beauty of the natural scene.

October on the Island Skåtøy

Henrik Lund

Relevance Score: 0.9586

 Oil on paper mounted on canvas landscape painting by Gerhard Munthe, featuring overcast skies in muted grays and whites over a calm body of water with a docked boat, and a shore in earthy browns, evoking a moody and serene environment.

View of the Rhine near Düsseldorf

Gerhard Munthe

Relevance Score: 0.9585

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Axel Revold featuring a reclining nude figure in a lush, colorful landscape with a lake, hills, and expressive trees under a softly illuminated sky. The painting conveys a serene, contemplative mood with a vibrant color palette and dynamic brushwork.


Axel Revold

Relevance Score: 0.9583

 Oil painting by Johan Christian Dahl depicting a peaceful rural landscape with a tree in the lower left, a winding path with a lone figure, and distant hills under a clear sky, showcasing a variety of earthy colors and a sense of depth.

Green Fields near Meissen

Johan Christian Dahl

Relevance Score: 0.9583