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Related objects for NG.M.00202.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "The Orphans" by Amalie Lindegren, an oil painting on canvas depicting an elderly bearded man with a walking stick seated next to a young girl who looks at him with concern, while another child peers from behind him, set against a dark interior background.

The Orphans

Amalie Lindegren

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "The Widow and her Child" by Amalie Lindegren - A 19th-century oil painting on canvas depicting a seated woman in a dark green dress and terracotta red headscarf, holding a sleeping child wearing white. The background is dark with a muted lighting focused on the subjects.

The Widow and her Child

Amalie Lindegren

Relevance Score: 0.9630

 "Haugianerne" by Adolph Tidemand, an oil on canvas painting displaying a 19th-century rural indoor gathering. The central focus is an elderly man and a blonde child in a storyteller's embrace, surrounded by attentive, affectionately poised adults. The soft lighting emphasizes warm browns, muted reds, and creams in the subjects' clothing and the rustic wooden interior.

Funeral Feast

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9493

 "Sovende gjetergutt" by Amalie Lindegren, a painting depicting a young shepherd boy asleep on the ground with a serene blue sky and gentle hills in the background. He lies diagonally across the canvas, wearing simple rustic clothing with a red neckerchief, grey breeches, and brown shoes. A wooden staff, overturned basket with a flute, and a white cloth lay beside him.

Sovende gjetergutt

Amalie Lindegren

Relevance Score: 0.9473

 An abstract oil painting on canvas by Aage Storstein, featuring three stylized figures with elongated forms and muted earthy tones, including beige, light brown, and soft grays, with touches of pale blue and yellow, set against an indistinct background of interlocking shapes. The central figure appears contemplative and possibly seated, with interactions suggested between the figures.

Thorough Cleaning

Aage Storstein

Relevance Score: 0.9472

 Fine art painting by Christian Krohg, featuring a contemplative young boy in the foreground with a desaturated palette of blues and grays, standing against a backdrop of subdued rural or coastal landscape under an overcast sky, conveying a solemn and introspective mood.

The little Gaihede Girl

Christian Krohg

Relevance Score: 0.9470

 Oil on canvas painting by Christian Krohg depicting a young adult in a dark greenish-gray jacket and burgundy scarf asleep with their head on a bed next to a red cradle, where a small child wrapped in a pink blanket is also sleeping. The background is muted with faded tones, emphasizing the warm, intimate moment between the two figures.

Mother and Child

Christian Krohg

Relevance Score: 0.9466

 "Folkekongen," an oil painting on canvas by Lena Trydal, depicting a whimsical family portrait with seven diverse characters, featuring a mix of casual clothing and ceremonial attire, set against a checkered floor and a red drape backdrop.


Lena Trydal

Relevance Score: 0.9466

 "The Children and the White Walls" by Sven Erixson, an oil painting on canvas featuring an adult woman and two children in the foreground with a backdrop of idyllic white-walled houses with orange roofs, trees with green foliage, and a clear blue sky, all rendered in a vibrant and expressive style.

The Children and the White Walls

Sven Erixson

Relevance Score: 0.9458

 An oil painting by Domenico Maggiotto on canvas depicting a scene with three figures, featuring a woman in a white blouse and brown shawl with a tan hat looking at the viewer, a young boy reaching into a basket in her lap, and a man in shadows observing, all set against a dark, undefined background.

The Fruitseller

Domenico Maggiotto

Relevance Score: 0.9457

 Oil on canvas portrait painting by Olav Mosebekk featuring a young man with introspective gaze, against a dark, shadowed background. The colors are muted with subtle flesh tones and dark attire, showcasing expressive brushwork and somber mood.


Olav Mosebekk

Relevance Score: 0.9454

 A painting by Olaf Isaachsen executed in oil on canvas mounted on cardboard, displaying a somber scene with three figures. On the left, a darkly clothed figure stands in contemplation. At the center lies a pale figure in white, suggesting a death, while to the right, an elder leans over the body. The artwork reflects a historical or biblical moment, with muted earth tones underscoring the gravity of the scene.

The winding of St. Olav's Body

Olaf Isaachsen

Relevance Score: 0.9450

 Oil on canvas painting by Alf Rolfsen titled "Group" showing two indistinct figures, a clear image of a young person wearing a blue outfit in the foreground, and a second figure with a brownish tone in the background, accented by a window and greenery. The palette is muted with soft brushstrokes.


Alf Rolfsen

Relevance Score: 0.9448

 "Interior with Figures" by Thorvald Erichsen, an oil painting depicting a subdued interior scene with two indistinct figures, one by a desk with a green-shaded lamp and another seated figure in dark clothing. The color palette consists of muted earthy tones with highlights of green and a touch of cobalt blue.

Interior with the Artists Oluf and Kris Wold-Torne

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9447

 "Oil painting by Heinrich Christian Friedrich Hosenfelder depicting a solemn young child in period clothing, seated in an antique chair, holding a black hat with a bow, against a warm brown background."

Portrait of James Collett

Heinrich Christian Friedrich Hosenfelder

Relevance Score: 0.9442

 "The Pleasure of having Children" by Theodor Kittelsen, an oil painting on wood panel depicting two young children in a natural setting. The older child embraces the younger one tenderly amidst a backdrop of dense green vegetation and a reflective puddle of water in the foreground.

The Pleasure of having Children

Theodor Kittelsen

Relevance Score: 0.9441

 "Mother and Child" by Alexander Schultz, an oil painting on canvas showcasing a contemplative woman in a patterned dress seated next to a young child in a blue outfit, set against a backdrop of indistinct household objects in soft blues, greens, and earth tones.

Reading aloud

Alexander Schultz

Relevance Score: 0.9437

 "Grandfather" by Dagfin Werenskiold, an oil painting depicting an elder man with a thick beard wearing a dark suit, sitting on a chair with a child leaning on him, set against a rustic reddish-brown and green patterned interior.


Dagfin Werenskiold

Relevance Score: 0.9432

 "Erik Menveds dronning Ingeborg sørger ved sitt siste barns lik" by Kristian Zahrtmann is an oil on canvas painting capturing a royal woman in a yellow blouse and green skirt, seated, looking upwards with sorrowful eyes, hands on her chest, with a bouquet of violet flowers in her lap and the obscured form of a lifeless

Erik Menveds dronning Ingeborg sørger ved sitt siste barns lik

Kristian Zahrtmann

Relevance Score: 0.9431

 "The Bridal Party Arrives" by Adolph Tidemand, an oil on canvas painting depicting a traditional 19th century Norwegian interior. A young boy in red boots stands before an elderly man seated at a wooden table, with two women near the doorway in a warmly lit, rustic wooden room filled with period details.

Anmeldelse til konfirmasjon

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9431

 "Mor og barn," a black and white woodcut print by Inggard Rosseland, depicting a loving mother seated and holding her child close, amidst a background of textured lines suggesting an interior setting.

Mor og barn

Inggard Rosseland

Relevance Score: 0.9428

 "En sabinerinne vugger sitt barn" by Kristian Zahrtmann, an oil painting of a mother seated beside a bed, gently rocking her baby in a wicker basket. She is dressed in a cream blouse and pale blue skirt with a dark apron, in a room filled with warm brown tones.

En sabinerinne vugger sitt barn

Kristian Zahrtmann

Relevance Score: 0.9427

 "The Woman and Her Children" by Rolf Nesch - a fine art print on paper depicting a mother in gray and beige tones with a touch of yellow on her apron, holding an infant and with a toddler by her side, rendered with cold needle and colored aquatint techniques.

The Woman and Her Children

Rolf Nesch

Relevance Score: 0.9427

 A moody oil painting on wood fiber panel by artist Reidar Aulie depicting a solitary figure standing by a curved road leading under an arched bridge with silhouetted figures above, set against a graduating blue sky at twilight, capturing a sense of quiet contemplation.

The Bridge

Reidar Aulie

Relevance Score: 0.9424

 "The three Ages" by Gunnar Haukebø is an abstract, expressionistic oil painting on canvas, featuring muted tones and loose brushstrokes that hint at three indistinct figures, possibly representing different stages of life, set against a harmonious background of light purples, blues, and neutral colors.

The three Ages

Gunnar Haukebø

Relevance Score: 0.9422

 "Mor og barn" by Inggard Rosseland, a woodcut print on paper featuring a black and white image of a mother seated, holding a child close to her. The artwork employs expressive lines and stark contrasts, capturing the emotional bond of the figures depicted.

Mor og barn

Inggard Rosseland

Relevance Score: 0.9422

 Oil painting by Theodor Kittelsen, featuring an elderly man at the center of a dimly lit room, focused on paperwork at a table with a bright red cloth, surrounded by several attentive figures in muted tones, all enveloped in a pervasive, dark atmosphere.


Theodor Kittelsen

Relevance Score: 0.9421

 Black and white etching titled "Mor, hvorfor holder du meg så fast? II" by Arne Bendik Sjur, featuring two scenes: to the left, a crying infant gripping onto an edge, and to the right, a smiling toddler lovingly holding a plush toy, all rendered in detailed lines on textured paper.

Mor, hvorfor holder du meg så fast? II

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9420

 "Portrait of an Elderly Man" - an oil on canvas painting by Marcus Grønvold, featuring a dignified and thoughtful elderly gentleman with short white hair, dressed in a dark brown high-necked coat, gazing directly out of the canvas with a backdrop of muted blacks and browns.

Portrait of an elderly Man

Marcus Grønvold

Relevance Score: 0.9420

 An oil painting on canvas adhered to paperboard by Eilif Peterssen showing two figures sitting closely together near a body of water on an overcast day, with muted colors and expressive brushwork creating a contemplative mood.

The Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt

Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9419