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Related objects for NG.M.01806.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "The Children and the White Walls" by Sven Erixson, an oil painting on canvas featuring an adult woman and two children in the foreground with a backdrop of idyllic white-walled houses with orange roofs, trees with green foliage, and a clear blue sky, all rendered in a vibrant and expressive style.

The Children and the White Walls

Sven Erixson

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "White House in Bohuslän" by Thorvald Erichsen, an impressionistic oil painting on paperboard showing a white house with a distinctive bright blue roof amidst a lush, green landscape with rolling hills and tall trees, under a softly blended blue-grey sky.

White House in Bohuslän

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9503

 Oil painting on canvas by artist Henrik Sørensen depicting an abstract urban street scene with vivid colors, including a human figure on the left in light hues, a central pathway in pale cream, fiery reds and oranges on the right, and a distinct blue circle towards the lower right corner, expressing a dynamic and impressionistic style.

Street Battle

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9501

 An abstract oil painting on canvas by Aage Storstein, featuring three stylized figures with elongated forms and muted earthy tones, including beige, light brown, and soft grays, with touches of pale blue and yellow, set against an indistinct background of interlocking shapes. The central figure appears contemplative and possibly seated, with interactions suggested between the figures.

Thorough Cleaning

Aage Storstein

Relevance Score: 0.9487

 Black and white pen drawing titled "Livet i Planetveien [12]" by Gunnar S. Gundersen, showcasing a modern interior scene with figures engaged in various activities. The artwork captures the essence of mid-century modern architectural design, featuring minimalistic furniture, people in leisurely poses, and a visible connection to the outdoor environment through large transparent planes.

Livet i Planetveien [12]

Gunnar S. Gundersen

Relevance Score: 0.9483

 Oil painting on canvas by Erling Enger, depicting a stylized family portrait within a richly decorated room, featuring a man, a girl with a blue toy, and a woman standing next to an easel with a child's drawing, showcasing varied textures and a vivid color palette.

The Family, the Artist's Wife and Child

Erling Enger

Relevance Score: 0.9478

 "The Pleasure of having Children" by Theodor Kittelsen, an oil painting on wood panel depicting two young children in a natural setting. The older child embraces the younger one tenderly amidst a backdrop of dense green vegetation and a reflective puddle of water in the foreground.

The Pleasure of having Children

Theodor Kittelsen

Relevance Score: 0.9477

 "Landscape painting by Henrik Sørensen featuring a rustic wooden building amidst vibrant greenery with energetic strokes of yellow and blue, set against a dynamic blue sky with hints of white, purple, and crimson. The oil on wood fiberboard technique adds rich texture to the scene."

Landscape from Vinje

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9477

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Søren Onsager depicting a lively social gathering with people around a table, possibly engaged in a craft or game, set against a cool-hued background suggesting an outdoor setting with distant architectural forms. The painting employs a rich palette with a mix of soft and vibrant colors, showcasing the artist's fluid brushstrokes and the interplay of light and shadow.


Søren Onsager

Relevance Score: 0.9474

 Oil painting on canvas by Henrik Sørensen depicting a rustic scene with wooden buildings on hilly terrain, featuring a rich palette of browns, reds, greens, and blues, with expressive, textured brushwork showcasing the robust natural landscape and aging man-made structures.

From Krøkje in Lom

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9471

 Oil painting by Henrik Sørensen on wood fiberboard, showcasing a lively and colorful winter forest scene with expressive brushwork. Snow-covered trees in vivid colors stand before a mountain range, under a softly glowing sky.

Sun in the Wood

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9469

 "Mother and Child" by Alexander Schultz, an oil painting on canvas showcasing a contemplative woman in a patterned dress seated next to a young child in a blue outfit, set against a backdrop of indistinct household objects in soft blues, greens, and earth tones.

Reading aloud

Alexander Schultz

Relevance Score: 0.9467

 Oil painting on paperboard by Henrik Sørensen featuring an impressionistic scene with earthy greens, browns, and golden hues, depicting two abstract human figures amidst a natural background, emphasizing color and light over precise details.

Clearing in the Wood

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9466

 "Untitled (Tjuvholmen II)" by Thorbjørn Sørensen, an oil painting on canvas showing an impressionistic gathering of people with a mix of soft colors and gestural brushstrokes creating an abstract sense of movement and social interaction.

Untitled (Tjuvholmen II)

Thorbjørn Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9466

 Oil painting on wood by Christian Skredsvig featuring a tranquil scene with an old European house surrounded by olive trees under sunlight, with a singular figure standing by a weathered wall, embodying a serene countryside ambiance.

From Sevilla in Spain

Christian Skredsvig

Relevance Score: 0.9465

 "Building a House" by Eric Hallström is an impressionistic oil painting on canvas featuring an unfinished wooden house frame in the background, with scattered wooden planks in the foreground, a yellow ochre building with an orange roof to the left, tall green pine trees, and several small figures suggestive of construction workers.

Building a House

Eric Hallström

Relevance Score: 0.9464

 "Winter Landscape" by Henrik Sørensen, an oil on canvas painting featuring a tranquil snowy scene with two earthy-toned wooden houses in the foreground and a dark pine forest in the background under an overcast bright sky.

Winter Landscape

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9462

 "Åpne vinduer I" by Ivar Jerven is an abstract oil painting on canvas featuring open windows of houses under a cerulean blue sky with abstract clouds, with a human figure in blue and a vibrant red window frame on the left, evoking a rustic and serene outdoor scene.

Åpne vinduer I

Ivar Jerven

Relevance Score: 0.9461

 An oil on paperboard landscape painting by Jørgen Sørensen, featuring a foreground with intricate, leafless trees, and a background with distant buildings set against a cloudy, expressive sky, rendered in a muted, earthy color palette.

Early Spring in Aker

Jørgen Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9459

 "The Orphans" by Amalie Lindegren, an oil painting on canvas depicting an elderly bearded man with a walking stick seated next to a young girl who looks at him with concern, while another child peers from behind him, set against a dark interior background.

The Orphans

Amalie Lindegren

Relevance Score: 0.9458

 Oil on canvas portrait by Henrik Sørensen, depicting a figure standing and facing slightly to the right with their head turned forward. The painting features a warm palette with textured clothing in olive greens, deep browns, and rust, set against a divided background with cooler tones on the left and a patterned patchwork of darker rich colors on the right.

Portrait of the Author Sigurd Christiansen

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9456

 An oil on canvas painting by Henrik Sørensen featuring an abstract composition with a window framed by vivid reds, with a glimpse of blue within the windowpane, and a yellow object on the crimson surface below. Expressive brushstrokes in shades of red, blue, brown, white, green, and yellow create a textured visual art piece, invoking a sense of depth and dynamism.

The People of Israel

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9455

 "A Little Girl in the Wood" by Henrik Sørensen, an oil painting on canvas, featuring a young girl in a red dress sitting peacefully in a dense, impressionistically rendered forest, with vivid colors and dynamic brushstrokes creating a sense of depth and natural beauty.

A little Girl in the Wood

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9453

 An impressionist oil painting on canvas by Ludvig Karsten featuring a figure in blue, likely a woman, performing a domestic task. The expressive brushstrokes in blues, greens, and warmer tones of red and yellow create a vibrant scene of indoor life with textural depth and an abstracted sense of reality.

In the Laundry

Ludvig Karsten

Relevance Score: 0.9452

 "In the Wood" by Henrik Sørensen, an oil on papplate impressionistic painting depicting a colorful autumn forest scene with a winding path or stream in the center, surrounded by rich green, orange, and red foliage.

In the Wood

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9450

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas by Thorvald Erichsen depicting a seated woman in a brown top and dark skirt on a red chair with a green backrest. Warm sunlight filters onto the left side of the canvas, while cooler green and blue hues suggest shadow on the right, revealing a vibrantly textured domestic scene.

Seated Woman in an Interior

Thorvald Erichsen

Relevance Score: 0.9447

 An impressionistic oil painting by Hans Ryggen on canvas featuring oversized red poppies in the foreground with stylized rural houses in varied colors in the background, set under a sky of pale blues and purples, expressing a vibrant and emotive rural landscape.

Hans at work

Hans Ryggen

Relevance Score: 0.9446

 "The People of Israel" by Henrik Sørensen, an oil on wood fiberboard painting depicting an animated outdoor scene with a reclining figure in a yellow robe in the foreground, a figure on a camel to the left, against a backdrop of white architecture and a multi-colored sky.

The People of Isreal

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9443

 Fine art painting by Christian Krohg, featuring a contemplative young boy in the foreground with a desaturated palette of blues and grays, standing against a backdrop of subdued rural or coastal landscape under an overcast sky, conveying a solemn and introspective mood.

The little Gaihede Girl

Christian Krohg

Relevance Score: 0.9441

 "Oil on canvas landscape painting by Nikolai Astrup depicting a tranquil outdoor scene with white trees, a wooden fence, rolling hills, and a body of water, using vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes."

Spring Evening in Jølster

Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9441