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Related objects for NG.K&H.1986.0101.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Threats in the Night" by Berit Arnestad, a woodcut on paper artwork showing a shadowy, seated figure at a desk or table, looking to the right, with striated patterns suggestive of rain or window bars in the background, all in black and grey monochromatic tones.

Threats in the Night

Berit Arnestad

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Seinere den kvelden" by Mattias Härenstam, a black and white woodcut on paper showing two silhouetted figures seated inside a room with candles on a table and a lamp, alongside numerous stalactite-like shapes hanging from the ceiling creating a mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere.

Seinere den kvelden

Mattias Härenstam

Relevance Score: 0.9536

 A woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "It was night-time and He was alone" showing a black silhouette of a person descending a flight of stairs against a densely lined background, conveying a sense of isolation.

"It was night-time and He was alone"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9508

 A monochromatic woodcut print by Marianne Boberg, titled "Does not anything grow by Moonlight?" depicting a moody scene of a woodland at night, characterized by deep shadows and textured lines to emulate moonlit trees and a forest floor.

Does not anything grow by Moonlight?

Marianne Boberg

Relevance Score: 0.9475

 "Nude" by Harald Kihle, a monochromatic woodcut print on paper showing a stylized nude female figure in contemplation within a textured interior, with a towel rack and a bowl of fruit on the floor, emphasizing form through expressive lines and contrasting shades of black and grey.


Harald Kihle

Relevance Score: 0.9467

 A black and white woodcut print titled "And He passed out of the city" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting a figure moving from a dark confined space into a lighter area with vertical line textures in the background.

"And He passed out of the city"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9467

 "Midnight," an etching in two colors on paper by Harald Sohlberg, depicts a nocturnal scene featuring a large central building with a glowing upper window surrounded by dark, bare-branched trees, with shades of blue and gray dominating the moody, serene composition.


Harald Sohlberg

Relevance Score: 0.9460

 "Natt" by Hanne Borchgrevink, a minimalistic woodcut print on paper, featuring a stylized white house with a grid of windows centered on a gray-blue rectangular background, framed by a wide white paper margin.


Hanne Borchgrevink

Relevance Score: 0.9459

 "The Raven" by Arne Bendik Sjur is a drypoint artwork on paper featuring a monochromatic depiction of a nude male figure sitting within a dark, confined space, highlighted by a strong light from above, with a small, mask-like face at the bottom center edge.

The Raven

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9457

 "Midnatt (klokken 12)" by Johs Rian, a colored woodcut on paper, depicting a mystical scene with a woman in white reaching upwards toward a clock at midnight, accompanied by a shadowy child figure, set against an abstract background of night-time blues and purples interwoven with urban and natural elements.

Midnatt (klokken 12)

Johs Rian

Relevance Score: 0.9454

 "Farlige karer" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper depicting four shadowy figures standing side by side, with prominent use of stark contrasting lines and a dark, expressive atmosphere.

Farlige karer

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9454

 "Moonlight I" by Edvard Munch, a color woodcut on paper featuring a silhouette of a figure in a wide-brimmed hat against a background of wood textures, with a window on the left and a dark, moon-like shape on the right. The use of dark browns and muted tones conveys a nocturnal ambiance.

Moonlight I

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9453

 "Angst, aggresjon - gjenholdenhet IV" by Arne Bendik Sjur, a black and white drypoint print on paper depicting two stylized, anthropomorphic creatures resembling a fusion of primate and canid, displaying contrasting emotions of curiosity and aggression.

Angst, aggresjon - gjenholdenhet IV

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9447

 "mandag, Pilestredet" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper depicting a silhouette of a figure with an umbrella amidst stylized rain and angular patterns suggesting an urban environment.

mandag, Pilestredet

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9447

 "The Raven" by Arne Bendik Sjur is a drypoint print featuring a contemplative figure crouched within a dark, shadowy space with a small, distorted face in the bottom corner, displaying a stark, monochromatic contrast of white against black on paper.

The Raven

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9443

 "Tre figurer" by Gunnar S. Gundersen, a monochromatic etching, aquatint, and woodcut work on paper, presenting an abstract composition with suggestive forms on a rich spectrum of greyscale, highlighting an intriguing interplay of shapes and implied figures.

Tre figurer

Gunnar S. Gundersen

Relevance Score: 0.9443

 "Gjenganger" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut print on paper showing a spectral figure rising from a watery surface, possibly a spirit or ghost, with a haunting and enigmatic atmosphere. The image features high contrast between black and white, with the use of negative space to define forms and textures.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9443

 Black and white drypoint print "Titte inn, mørkt" by Arne Bendik Sjur, depicting a dark, narrow, and textured corridor receding into the distance with a slightly open door on the right, embodying a sense of depth and mystery.

Titte inn, mørkt

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9438

 "The Village Idiot Goes A-Wooning at Night" by Nikolai Astrup, a black and white woodcut print depicting a figure in traditional garb standing in a shadowy attic, back facing the viewer, with clothing in hand and a bed to the left, illuminated by light from a small window.

The Village Idiot Goes A-Wooning at Night

Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9437

' "Splinten og bjelken" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut on paper depicting two figures engaging with one another in a dialogue or exchange, set against a stark black background that enhances the dramatic interaction. The white space of the paper is used to illuminate the figures, creating a strong visual contrast.

Splinten og bjelken

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9435

 "Sitte fast. Et lyst rom" by Arne Bendik Sjur, a fine art drypoint on paper depicting a spherical object on a table in the center of an attic-like wooden paneled room with textured wood grain and interplay of light and shadow, rendered in monochromatic shades of black, white, and gray.

Sitte fast. Et lyst rom

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9435

 "Approaching the Bottom" - A woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen on paper depicting a silhouette of a muscular figure surrounded by dynamic vertical lines suggesting rapid downward movement, executed in a high-contrast black-and-white color scheme.

Approaching the Bottom

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9434

 Black and white woodcut print "Igjennom" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring a group of shadowy figures huddled together in a dense, dark setting that resembles a forest, with a strong contrast between the black ink and the white paper.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9433

 A black and white woodcut print on paper by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "Tre mot en," depicting a stylized interaction between three figures, with two confronting a hunched over figure in a high-contrast nighttime scene, expressive lines and dark tones create a sense of tension and drama.

Tre mot en

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9432

 A black-and-white woodcut print titled "Farlige karer" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting two strong and potentially threatening figures. The figure on the left holds a staff and has a pronounced muscular arm, while the other, slightly obscured figure also appears powerful. The background is made up of vertical lines, providing a sense of enclosure.

Farlige karer

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9431

 "Titte ut" by Arne Bendik Sjur is a black and white drypoint on paper, showing a deep perspective view of a narrow corridor converging in the distance with textured walls and a framed picture on the right side, creating a sense of depth and mystery.

Titte ut

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9430

 "Nattlandskap" by Per Kleiva is an abstract color silkscreen print on paper with four bright white vertical lines against a solid black background, and a textured brown and tan patch at the bottom right, evoking a nocturnal scene through contrast and form.


Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9429

 Monochromatic fine art print by Arne Bendik Sjur titled "Sitte fast. Et mørkt rom" featuring a stoic figure sitting at a desk in a dark room with wooden walls and floors, executed with a sense of depth and texture using drypoint on paper.

Sitte fast. Et mørkt rom

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9428

 Black and white woodcut print titled 'Composition' by artist Erik Harry Johannessen, featuring a stylized tree on the left and a mythological figure seated to the right, rendered in bold contrasts and organic textures.


Erik Harry Johannessen

Relevance Score: 0.9428

 Monochromatic etching on paper by Edvard Munch titled "Woman Putting on her Nightgown" depicting a woman in a seated position, draping or lifting her nightgown, with her hair up and face reflecting tranquility. The art is subtle with soft lines and is rendered in shades of beige and soft black, employing varied line thickness for texture and depth.

Woman Putting on her Nightgown

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9427