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Related objects for MS-01149-1988.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 A black-and-white woodcut print titled "Farlige karer" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting two strong and potentially threatening figures. The figure on the left holds a staff and has a pronounced muscular arm, while the other, slightly obscured figure also appears powerful. The background is made up of vertical lines, providing a sense of enclosure.

Farlige karer

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Farlige karer" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper depicting four shadowy figures standing side by side, with prominent use of stark contrasting lines and a dark, expressive atmosphere.

Farlige karer

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9902

 A black and white woodcut print titled "Øl og kvinnfolk" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring expressive, high-contrast imagery with figures and text, crafted in a monochromatic, expressionist style.

Øl og kvinnfolk

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9638

 A print by Niclas Gulbrandsen featuring a small, detailed black and white woodcut of a character wearing a decorative hat centered on cream-colored paper, with 'NICLAS GULBRANDSEN TRESNITT' printed above and some descriptive Norwegian text below.

Ukjent tittel

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9636

 "Søndag ettermiddag kl. 14.00" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a high-contrast woodcut print on paper featuring the silhouette of a person standing next to steps with a small dog on a lower step, set against a background of vertical lines suggestive of a fenced area.

Søndag ettermiddag kl. 14.00

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9618

 A black and white woodcut print titled "And He passed out of the city" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting a figure moving from a dark confined space into a lighter area with vertical line textures in the background.

"And He passed out of the city"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9617

 A black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "And after a little while He saw one whose face and raiment were painted..." showing two stylized figures, one with a pronounced face and decorated clothing, in an interior setting suggested by minimal background lines.

"And after a little while He saw one whose face and raiment were painted..."

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9610

 A black and white woodcut print on paper by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "Tre mot en," depicting a stylized interaction between three figures, with two confronting a hunched over figure in a high-contrast nighttime scene, expressive lines and dark tones create a sense of tension and drama.

Tre mot en

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9610

 A black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "Aldri", featuring a dark silhouette of a person walking towards a light source, with another faint figure in the distance, all rendered in a high-contrast and abstract style.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9608

 "Refselse" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut print on paper showing two dominant figures standing over a third figure lying prone on the ground, all rendered in stark black and white, emphasizing a dramatic or tense encounter.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9604

 "Approaching the Bottom" - A woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen on paper depicting a silhouette of a muscular figure surrounded by dynamic vertical lines suggesting rapid downward movement, executed in a high-contrast black-and-white color scheme.

Approaching the Bottom

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9602

 "Tre stykker," a black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen on off-white paper, featuring an abstract and stylized depiction of a creature resembling a horse in dynamic motion, surrounded by bold, expressive lines and shapes to suggest movement and form.

Tre stykker

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9596

 Woodcut print titled "And He passed out of the house and went again into the street" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring a sharply contrasted black silhouette of a man stepping out from the left into a white space with vertical lines to the right, symbolizing an orderly street.

"And He passed out of the house and went again into the street"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 "Male Figure," a black woodcut print on off-white paper by Nikolai Astrup, showcasing a hunched male advancing forward, depicted in expressive lines that convey a sense of movement and burden.

Male Figure

Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9588

 "Sunday afternoon 12.45" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut print showing three figures, with the central one in striped attire and the other two as silhouettes in the background, against a plain background.

Sunday afternoon 12.45

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9586

 Black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "After a little while He saw one whose face and raiment were painted..." showing two stylized figures, one in a striped robe with an obscured face and the other in a helmet and patterned outfit, against a backdrop of vertical lines.

"After a little while He saw one whose face and raiment were painted..."

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9584

 "Søndag formiddag kl. 11.00" by Niclas Gulbrandsen - A black and white woodcut print on paper depicting a person standing beneath a tall streetlamp with extended shadows, exuding a sense of solitude and juxtaposing light and dark elements.

Søndag formiddag kl. 11.00

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9582

 "Galgenfugler" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print showing an abstract bird-like figure with spread wings and a pronounced beak, set against a background of vertical lines suggestive of confinement or a natural setting.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9582

 A black and white woodcut titled "vi går" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, showing an abstract, textured side profile of a figure in solid black with jagged edges on a clean white paper background, signed by the artist with the year 1997 at the bottom.

vi går

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9582

 Black and white woodcut print "Igjennom" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring a group of shadowy figures huddled together in a dense, dark setting that resembles a forest, with a strong contrast between the black ink and the white paper.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9581

 "Søndag ettermiddag kl. 12.15" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper showcasing two stylized figures within an abstract, textural environment that suggests an outdoor scene with patterns resembling foliage above. One figure is seated and reclined to the left, and the other stands to the right in a walking pose, both silhouetted against a contrasting light background.

Søndag ettermiddag kl. 12.15

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9579

 "Bedre levede enn død?" by Niclas Gulbrandsen is a woodcut print on paper featuring three stylistically simplified, white human figures on a stark black background, engaged in an ambiguous interaction, evoking a sense of mystery and contemplation.

Bedre levede enn død?

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9577

' "Splinten og bjelken" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut on paper depicting two figures engaging with one another in a dialogue or exchange, set against a stark black background that enhances the dramatic interaction. The white space of the paper is used to illuminate the figures, creating a strong visual contrast.

Splinten og bjelken

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9576

 A black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen, showing a stylized figure in motion, reaching out with their right arm, against a background of vertical lines. The title of the print is "And He ran forward and touched the painted raiment of the woman...".

"And He ran forward and touched the painted raiment of the woman..."

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9572

 Woodcut print "Søndag formiddag kl. 11.05" by artist Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting three stylized figures in black and white, with one extending an object to the others, against a backdrop suggestive of an outdoor setting.

Søndag formiddag kl. 11.05

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9572

 "I blomsterengen" by Niclas Gulbrandsen – a woodcut print depicting an abstract black shape amidst a dense pattern of black vertical lines resembling a wild meadow, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding white paper.

I blomsterengen

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9572

 "Snarvei" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print showing a shadowy figure standing near an illuminated opening, with the interplay of light and dark creating a dramatic atmosphere on paper.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9568

 A minimalistic black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "Søndag ettermiddag kl. 13.10" featuring the shadowed silhouette of a person against a vertical surface with textured vertical hatching lines, and an indistinct form on the ground, all set against a stark white background.

Søndag ettermiddag kl. 13.10

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9567

 "Stordrikker" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper depicting abstract human figures in vertical white lines against a black background, with one figure visibly separated and crouched on the ground.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9565

 A black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "And He followed swiftly and touched the hand of the young man and said to him, 'Why do you look at this woman and in such wise?'". The image features two stylized figures, one appearing to be an older person reaching out toward a younger one, within a composition dominated by vertical and diagonal lines creating contrast and texture.

"And He followed swiftly and touched the hand of the young man and said to him, 'Why do you look at this woman and in such wise?'"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9565