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Related objects for NG.K&H.1982.0449.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 Etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Portrett av aldrende musketer, med kvisete ansikt", depicting the detailed monochromatic portrait of an aging musketeer with expressive features, a pimpled face, and wearing a large, feathered hat. The image is finely detailed with varying shades of black and white, emphasizing the textures and contours of the character's face and attire.

Portrett av aldrende musketer, med kvisete ansikt

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Portrait de 'mousquetaire' triste" by Pablo Picasso - Black and white aquatint print showing an abstract depiction of a musketeer with ruffled collar and elaborate hat, characterized by swirling lines and a contemplative expression.

Portrait de "mousquetaire" triste

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9691

 "Portrettet" by Pablo Picasso, a line etching on paper showcasing an abstract figure in an intimate embrace, rendered in a monochromatic palette with intricate lines and varying shades of gray on a white background.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9653

 "Musketer sender en røyksky i ansiktet på en ung kvinne" by Pablo Picasso, an aquatint and drypoint on paper depicting an abstract and stylized musketeer with a wide-brimmed hat sending a puff of smoke towards the face of a young woman in varying shades of gray.

Musketer sender en røyksky i ansiktet på en ung kvinne

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9634

 Black and white Picasso etching titled "Portrett av en hollandsk borger," depicting an abstract figure with a wide-brimmed hat, intense eyes, a small mouth, and a wild beard. The energetic line work creates a sense of depth and texture on the paper.

Portrett av en hollandsk borger

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9625

 "Vieux peintre, modèle et spectateur," a black and white etching by Pablo Picasso featuring an elderly artist working on his art with a model present, while a spectator observes—the scene captured in Picasso's distinct line work and textural contrasts.

Vieux peintre, modèle et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9620

 "Tårevått portrett av en av personene i Grev Orgaz´ begravelse" by Pablo Picasso - a monochromatic etching on paper depicting an intricately detailed tearful face with expressive eyes and a ruffled collar.

Tårevått portrett av en av personene i Grev Orgaz´ begravelse

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9618

 "Mousquetaire attablé avec un jeune garçon, évoquant sa vie" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching of abstracted and distorted human figures, possibly in a storytelling scene within a tavern-like setting, utilizing a somber palette of blacks, whites, and grays.

"Mousquetaire" attablé avec un jeune garçon, évoquant sa vie

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9612

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Fet kurtisane og gammel kjekkas", depicting abstract figures with bold lines on paper, showcasing Picasso's distinctive style in monochromatic tones.

Fet kurtisane og gammel kjekkas

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9612

 Line etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Prostituert med en aldrende mann," depicting the profile of an aged man looking towards a young woman facing the viewer, rendered in monochromatic black lines on a white background, showcasing contrasting textures and expressions.

Prostituert med en aldrende mann

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9606

 An etching titled "Drømmende olding: Kurtisane med menn kledd à la Rembrandt" by Pablo Picasso, featuring a monochromatic scene with multiple figures in historical attire interacting in a surreal, dream-like composition.

Drømmende olding: Kurtisane med menn kledd à la Rembrandt

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9603

 "Spansk kunstner maler en naken kvinnes portrett i form av en skegget mann med pipekrave" by Pablo Picasso, a complex black and white etching depicting abstract, cubist forms and figures suggestive of a painting session.

Spansk kunstner maler en naken kvinnes portrett i form av en skegget mann med pipekrave

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9601

 A monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Ung kurtisane med en herre, en billedhugger og en interessert gamling," featuring fine line work on paper that depicts four figures, presumably a young courtesan, a gentleman, a sculptor, and an interested old man in an intimate yet dynamic composition, executed with the technique of line etching.

Ung kurtisane med en herre, en billedhugger og en interessert gamling

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 A black-and-white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Maler og modell med gamasjer, med tilskuer," showing an artist on the left side, a model with gamasjer on the center-right, and a spectator in the background to the right, all depicted with varied line intensities and textures without any colors.

Maler og modell med gamasjer, med tilskuer

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9591

 An etching titled "Maler, og modell som skjuler sitt ansikt" by

Maler, og modell som skjuler sitt ansikt

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9590

 Black and white etching titled "Portrait de Vollard I" by Pablo Picasso, featuring a detailed depiction of Ambroise Vollard's head and shoulders with expressive lines and contrasting shades on paper.

Portrait de Vollard I

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9585

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Fet kurtisane oppvartes av tre herrer av den rette typen," featuring four stylized figures with expressive lines, where a central, robust woman is accompanied by three men, on paper, showcasing Picasso's distinctive linear technique.

Fet kurtisane oppvartes av tre herrer av den rette typen

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9584

 "Vieux sculpter au travail I," a line etching on paper by Pablo Picasso, depicting an elderly sculptor working on a small statue, with a young female figure depicted faintly to the left. The artwork features monochromatic lines of varying thickness on a plain paper background, conveying a sense of focus and artistic creation.

Vieux sculpter au travail I

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9583

 "Portrett av en hollandsk borgerfrue med kyse," a line etching by Pablo Picasso depicting a stylized portrait of a Dutch woman in traditional attire. The artwork features expressive line work to represent her face with asterisk-like eyes and a smile, and a headgear with intricate patterns, hinting at braided hair or decorative elements in the cap, along with a detailed lace ruff around her neck, all rendered in black on white paper.

Portrett av en hollandsk borgerfrue med kyse

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9578

 Monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Mameluk enlevant une femme, attaqué par un 'mousquetaire'" shows a dynamic scene of a Mamluk in historical attire ab

Mameluk enlevant une femme, attaqué par un "mousquetaire"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9577

Pablo Picasso's "Vieux sculpteur au travail. II," a fine line etching on paper showing an old sculptor with wild hair working intently next to a sculpture of a classical bust, executed with expressive, dense lines against a sparse background, signed by the artist.

Vieux sculpteur au travail. II

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9574

 "Jeune femme et 'mousquetaire'" by Pablo Picasso, a grayscale print showing a stylized reclining nude female figure with abstract white patches on her body next to a simplified musketeer figure, set against a dark textured background, created with aquatint and drypoint techniques.

Jeune femme et "mousquetaire"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9570

 Black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Ung spansk dame" depicting a stylized portrait of a young woman with expressive, detailed eyes, wearing a headpiece or hat, set against a vividly lined background, demonstrating Picasso's distinctive use of line work to convey form and texture.

Ung spansk dame

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9568

 Black and white etching "Skjegget mann med hatt med bjelle på" by Pablo Picasso, portraying a bearded man with a striped hat featuring a bell on top, exhibiting sharp and soft etching techniques on paper.

Skjegget mann med hatt med bjelle på

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9564

 Black and white etching titled "Maler i arbeid, med en stygg modell" by Pablo Picasso, featuring a seated artist in profile working on a painting, dressed in an elaborate costume suggestive of historical attire. No colors are present; the composition relies on line work and hatching to convey depth and form on paper.

Maler i arbeid, med en stygg modell

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9563

 Black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Vieux marin bedonnant à la pipe et jeune prostituée méprisante," showing a portly old sailor with a pipe and a young woman with a scornful expression standing side by side. The sailor's attire is bulky, while the woman's is form-fitting. The artwork is characterized by clear and expressive line work on a plain background.

Vieux marin bedonnant à la pipe et jeune prostituée méprisante

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9562

 Line etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Magedans i ørkenen, med omfangsrik tilskuer" depicting an abstract belly dancer with fluid lines and distorted limbs on the left and a detailed, bearded male observer on the right, in Picasso's signature cubist style, using black ink on white paper without color.

Magedans i ørkenen, med omfangsrik tilskuer

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9561

 "Portrait de Vollard III" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching on paper featuring a line drawing of a thoughtful man with a bushy beard and a distant gaze, set against an off-white background with Picasso's signature in the lower right corner.

Portrait de Vollard III

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9559

 Monochromatic etching titled "Écuyère de cirque, homme rembranesque et spectateur mal rasé" by Picasso depicting circus-themed figures with a central horseback performer, a strong male figure, and an unshaven spectator, using fine lines and cross-hatching on white paper.

Écuyère de cirque, homme rembranesque et spectateur mal rasé

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9555

 A monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Vieux sculpteur et modèle assoupi avec un groupe sculpté représentant des chevaux luttant," featuring an elderly sculptor at work with a dozing model and a group of sculpted horses in battle, rendered in delicate lines on a paper background.

Vieux sculpteur et modèle assoupi avec un groupe sculpté représentant des chevaux luttant

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9552