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Related objects for NG.K&H.1982.0340.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Portrait de 'mousquetaire' triste" by Pablo Picasso - Black and white aquatint print showing an abstract depiction of a musketeer with ruffled collar and elaborate hat, characterized by swirling lines and a contemplative expression.

Portrait de "mousquetaire" triste

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Jeune femme et 'mousquetaire'" by Pablo Picasso, a grayscale print showing a stylized reclining nude female figure with abstract white patches on her body next to a simplified musketeer figure, set against a dark textured background, created with aquatint and drypoint techniques.

Jeune femme et "mousquetaire"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9704

 An expressive black and white aquatint print by Pablo Picasso featuring the abstract profile of a musketeer with exaggerated features, surrounded by a chaotic scene of figures with lances and a central female form, all rendered in dynamic and sweeping lines.

"Mousquetaire" de profil, avec combat à la lance autour d'une jeune femme

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9692

 Etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Portrett av aldrende musketer, med kvisete ansikt", depicting the detailed monochromatic portrait of an aging musketeer with expressive features, a pimpled face, and wearing a large, feathered hat. The image is finely detailed with varying shades of black and white, emphasizing the textures and contours of the character's face and attire.

Portrett av aldrende musketer, med kvisete ansikt

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9691

 "Mousquetaire attablé avec un jeune garçon, évoquant sa vie" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching of abstracted and distorted human figures, possibly in a storytelling scene within a tavern-like setting, utilizing a somber palette of blacks, whites, and grays.

"Mousquetaire" attablé avec un jeune garçon, évoquant sa vie

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9663

 "Musketer sender en røyksky i ansiktet på en ung kvinne" by Pablo Picasso, an aquatint and drypoint on paper depicting an abstract and stylized musketeer with a wide-brimmed hat sending a puff of smoke towards the face of a young woman in varying shades of gray.

Musketer sender en røyksky i ansiktet på en ung kvinne

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9663

 "Les trois mousquetaires. Enlèvement" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white aquatint and etching on paper depicting a dynamic scene with expressive, period-costumed figures suggestive of the three musketeers in a dramatic encounter.

Les trois mousquetaires. Enlèvement

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9647

 “Tre musketerer hilser en liggende kvinne” by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic sugar aquatint print on paper featuring abstracted musketeer figures engaging with a reclining woman, rendered in black lines on a white background.

Tre musketerer hilser en liggende kvinne

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9645

 A black and white print titled "Écuyère, 'bonhomme' et 'mousquetaire'" by Pablo Picasso, featuring abstract figures of a female equestrian in the center, a man to her right, and a musketeer to her left, with distinct lines and contrasting shades creating a theatrical or circus-like composition on paper.

Écuyère, "bonhomme" et "mousquetaire"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9636

 Monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Mameluk enlevant une femme, attaqué par un 'mousquetaire'" shows a dynamic scene of a Mamluk in historical attire ab

Mameluk enlevant une femme, attaqué par un "mousquetaire"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9625

 "Peintre à son chevalet, avec une modèle assis" by Pablo Picasso - a monochromatic aquatint and drypoint print on paper depicting an abstract scene with a painter at his easel and a seated model, with expressive lines and varying shades of gray creating a dynamic composition.

Peintre à son chevalet, avec une modèle assis

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9589

 An etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Femme aguichant un homme songeur" depicting a woman seated in a seductive pose on the right, with a contemplative man on the left, both rendered in black and white with expressive line work.

Femme aguichant un homme songeur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9582

 "Peintre, modèle et visiteur" by Pablo Picasso, an aquatint on paper depicting an abstracted scene with a painter to the left working on an easel in the center, a curvaceous model seated to the right, and a faint visitor figure also to the right, all rendered in a monochromatic grayscale palette.

Peintre, modèle et visiteur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9580

 A monochromatic sugar aquatint print on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Jacqueline som 'Naken maja', med koblersken og to musketerer," depicting a reclining nude female figure

Jacqueline som "Naken maja", med koblersken og to musketerer

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9580

 Black and white etching titled "Marie-Thérèse en femme torero" by Pablo Picasso, depicting an abstracted and dynamic scene that suggests the figure of a woman in a matador's outfit amidst a flurry of intermingling forms and textures.

Marie-Thérèse en femme torero

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9579

 "Mareritt" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching on paper featuring an abstracted figure on the left, a more defined seated figure in the center, and a detailed depiction of foliage to the right, all rendered in shades of black on a white background.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9579

 "Visiteur rembranesque chez une courtisane folâtre" by Pablo Picasso, an etching on paper showcasing three expressive figures in a dynamic interaction, with bold and sketchy black lines on textured white paper.

Visiteur rembranesque chez une courtisane folâtre

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9571

 "Homme au chapeau dessinant à côté d'une femme offerte" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching depicting a man in a broad-brimmed hat drawing next to a reclined female figure, showcasing sharp contrasts and textures illustrative of the aquatint technique.

Homme au chapeau dessinant à côte d'une femme offerte

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9567

 Black and white artwork by Pablo Picasso titled "Peinter et modèle. Écuyère et 'bonhomme'" featuring an abstract horsewoman and a simplified male figure, displaying Picasso's signature fragmented and multi-perspective style, with varying shades of gray created through aquatint and etching on paper.

Peinter et modèle. Écuyère et "bonhomme"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9567

 A monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Marie-Thérèse regardant un autoportrait sculpté du sculpteur," featuring a line drawing of a woman in profile on the left, looking at a roughly etched bearded portrait on the right, all on plain paper with no

Marie-Thérèse regardant un autoportrait sculpté du sculpteur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9565

 A monochrome aquatint print on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Rapt, avec célestine, ruffian, fille, et seigneur avec son valet," depicting an expressive and dynamic interaction among various characters within a sketch-like scene. The composition is rendered in shades of gray, emphasizing contrasts and suggesting narrative depth within the abstract portrayal.

Rapt, avec célestine, ruffian, fille, et seigneur avec son valet

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9563

 "Portrettet" by Pablo Picasso, a line etching on paper showcasing an abstract figure in an intimate embrace, rendered in a monochromatic palette with intricate lines and varying shades of gray on a white background.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9561

 Black and white artwork by Pablo Picasso titled "Trois vieux copains en visite: Monsieur fume, madame surveille," displaying abstract figures with one holding a smoking utensil, another observing, and a third with a crown-like headpiece, using aquatint and scraping iron on paper.

Trois vieux copains en visite: Monsieur fume, madame surveille

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9556

 "Tårevått portrett av en av personene i Grev Orgaz´ begravelse" by Pablo Picasso - a monochromatic etching on paper depicting an intricately detailed tearful face with expressive eyes and a ruffled collar.

Tårevått portrett av en av personene i Grev Orgaz´ begravelse

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9555

 "Peintre, modèle et spectateur" by Pablo Picasso, a monochrome aquatint etching on paper featuring an abstract scene of three figures with one appearing to be an artist holding painting tools, the second as a model posing, and the third as a spectator observing them, all set against a stark white background.

Peintre, modèle et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 Monochromatic etching titled "Écuyère de cirque, homme rembranesque et spectateur mal rasé" by Picasso depicting circus-themed figures with a central horseback performer, a strong male figure, and an unshaven spectator, using fine lines and cross-hatching on white paper.

Écuyère de cirque, homme rembranesque et spectateur mal rasé

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 "Portrait de Vollard III" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching on paper featuring a line drawing of a thoughtful man with a bushy beard and a distant gaze, set against an off-white background with Picasso's signature in the lower right corner.

Portrait de Vollard III

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 A black and white Picasso etching titled "Maja et putto, cavalier et diablotin voyeur" on paper, featuring a whimsical scene with abstract figures suggestive of a woman, a cherub, a knight, and a small devil. The work exhibits expressive lines and

Maja et putto, cavalier et diablotin voyeur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 A fine art print titled "Maja og rytter" by Pablo Picasso displaying a monochrome composition with black figures on a white background. The image features a depiction of a horse with a rider, a person on foot with a tall hat, and two more individuals, one of whom has pronounced feminine features. The piece utilizes strong, confident lines and varies in thickness, creating a sense of depth and movement with minimal color usage.

Maja og rytter

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 "La Sérénade" by Pablo Picasso, a sugar aquatint on paper featuring a monochromatic representation of an individual playfully serenading on a stringed instrument, with expressive lines and a romantic, historical attire.

La Sérénade

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9546