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Related objects for MS-04487-2001.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Ein vakker dag" by Per Kleiva, a color silkscreen showing a side-by-side comparison of a monochromatic statue's arm and torso against a vibrant scene of bright yellow flowers amidst green foliage.

Ein vakker dag

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 Stylized silk screen print titled "Søndagsettermiddag på Vestlandet" by Per Kleiva featuring a serene landscape with sky blue background, fluffy white clouds, green rounded hills with darker green circular trees, red-roofed houses, and earthy-toned rocks in the foreground.

Søndagsettermiddag på Vestlandet

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9609

 "Nattlandskap" by Per Kleiva is an abstract color silkscreen print on paper with four bright white vertical lines against a solid black background, and a textured brown and tan patch at the bottom right, evoking a nocturnal scene through contrast and form.


Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 "Krokkleiva ved Sundvollen" - a grayscale lithograph on paper by Auguste Etienne François Mayer, depicting a narrow pathway winding between two rocky cliffs with sparsely forested sides and distant travelers, leading to a body of water framed by more land in the remote background.

Krokkleiva ved Sundvollen

Relevance Score: 0.9544

 A colorful silkscreen artwork by Per Kleiva titled "Vi som intet eide," featuring a tranquil sky in soft blue tones, minimalist clouds in beige and white, a textured central form in grays and browns resembling a tree stump, and three vibrant red roses with green stems, alluding to themes of nature and possibly symbolism.

Vi som intet eide

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9540

 "Byen i mennesket" by Per Kleiva, a visual art serigraphy featuring a rhythmic pattern of red, blue, and green curved lines creating a wave-like illusion on a light beige paper background.

Byen i mennesket

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9536

 "Eit skillingstrykk om havet, døden og kjærleiken" by Per Kleiva, is a fine art serigraph print on paper featuring stylized silvery-green poppy plants on a deep blue background with a single vibrant red poppy above teal curved shapes, representing the sea.

Eit skillingstrykk om havet, døden og kjærleiken

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9523

 "Det naturlige smil" by Per Kleiva, featuring a simple blue profile of a human face on the left and a colorful abstract shape radiating outward in layers of rainbow colors on the right, suggestive of an abstract representation of a smile, set against a white background.

Det naturlige smil

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9523

 "Victoria og løytnanten i hagen" by Håkon Stenstadvold, a black and white woodcut on paper depicting two figures in a garden with a backdrop of a snow-capped mountain and a hatched sky, suggesting a peaceful rural scene.

Victoria og løytnanten i hagen

Håkon Stenstadvold

Relevance Score: 0.9520

 "Vårstigen mellom Kongsvoll og Drivstua," a black and white lithograph by Auguste Etienne François Mayer, showing a serene, mountainous landscape with a narrow path, towering rocks, and small human figures, rendered in varying shades of gray to convey depth and texture.

Vårstigen mellom Kongsvoll og Drivstua

Relevance Score: 0.9516

 "Søndag ettermiddag kl. 12.15" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper showcasing two stylized figures within an abstract, textural environment that suggests an outdoor scene with patterns resembling foliage above. One figure is seated and reclined to the left, and the other stands to the right in a walking pose, both silhouetted against a contrasting light background.

Søndag ettermiddag kl. 12.15

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9515

 "Femsjøen sett fra Veden gård" by Heinrich August Grosch is a serene landscape featuring people engaging in leisurely activities on an elevated overlook with a view of a calm lake surrounded by rolling hills and patches of trees under a soft, cloud-filled sky. The color palette is muted, with soft blues and grays for the water, and varied browns and greens for the landscape.

Femsjøen sett fra Veden gård

Relevance Score: 0.9513

 "Vårbilde," an oil, collage, and pencil on canvas by artist Håkon Bleken, featuring a translucent figure amidst a muted, earth-toned landscape with faint cityscape outlines and tree-like forms conveying a spring awakening.


Håkon Bleken

Relevance Score: 0.9512

 "Vårstien ved Kongsvoll" by Auguste Etienne François Mayer, a lithograph on paper depicting a springtime mountain landscape with travelers on paths, surrounded by large rocks, misty valleys, and towering, cloud-covered mountains.

Vårstien ved Kongsvoll

Relevance Score: 0.9511

 "På kunstutstilling" by Terje Resell, a fine art piece on paper using color etching and aquatint techniques, featuring two abstract figures with one cloaked in shaggy ultramarine fur and the other patterned with yellow and white spots, amid a white background with minimal sketched elements.

På kunstutstilling

Terje Resell

Relevance Score: 0.9511

 "Vinkes det tilbake? I" by Arne Bendik Sjur, a drypoint print on paper showing an architectural building façade with a repetitive, rectilinear pattern and four figures gesturing from an open space resembling a large window or balcony, all rendered in a grayscale palette.

Vinkes det tilbake? I

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9507

 A fine art silkscreen print titled "Midtsommarnatt" by Per Kleiva, featuring a minimalist composition with vertical and diagonal cream-colored slats against a black background, suggesting a fence or barrier, with a small section of warm red and orange tones in the bottom left corner, reminiscent of flickering flames.


Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9506

 "Balansekunst II" by Per Kleiva, featuring a color silkscreen on paper, with a stark black background and white outlines of a driftwood-like form on the left and a human figure posed as if balancing on the right, captured in a minimalist yet expressive style.

Balansekunst II

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9505

 "Pages from the Diary of Imperialism I" by Per Kleiva is a color silkscreen print featuring sharp black text on a soft gradient of sky blue to spring green in the upper portion, with a stylized field of white flowers set against varying shades of green at the bottom.

Pages from the Diary of Imperialism I

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9504

 "Nakne trær" by Per Kleiva, a black and white fine art print of a group of leafless, intricate trees in the foreground, with rolling hills and light skies in the background, skillfully created using line etching and aquatint on paper.

Nakne trær

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9501

 "Lille Leirfoss," an aquatint on paper by Georg Haas, depicts a serene landscape with a mist-covered river in the foreground, a timber dam to the left, and rocky, tree-covered cliffs in the background under a clearing overcast sky, complete with a band of text at the bottom.

Lille Leirfoss

Georg Haas

Relevance Score: 0.9496

 "Helvete på Eker" by Heinrich August Grosch, featuring a robust waterfall pouring over dark rocks in the foreground, surrounded by greenery, with a background depicting a calm river, red-roofed buildings among trees, and a softly colored dawn or dusk sky.

Helvete på Eker

Relevance Score: 0.9495

 "Så høgt min eld men ikkje høgre" by Per Kleiva, a serigraph on paper featuring a gradient from dark red to orange at the bottom with black silhouetted plant-like figures and a large black amorphous form dominating the upper area, against a warm-toned backdrop suggestive of a fiery horizon.

Så høgt min eld men ikkje høgre

Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9494

 A pastel-colored silk screen print on paper by artist Per Kleiva, portraying a tranquil landscape filled with light green and pale yellow flowers, trees in a subtle green, and a gentle blue sky with a soft yellow cloud, evoking a peaceful spring morning.


Per Kleiva

Relevance Score: 0.9494

 "Vähännivanronka," a monochrome etching and aquatint on paper by Anders Fredrik Skjöldebrand, depicting a dramatic, steep cliff with a waterfall flowing into a pool below, surrounded by a stormy sky.


Anders Fredrik Skjöldebrand

Relevance Score: 0.9492

 "Utsikt fra Högklint mot Visby", an oil on canvas painting by Johan Christian Berger, depicting a sweeping landscape view of a rugged coastline with a prominent cliff to the right, and a distant coastal town to the left, under a richly textured sky with hints of sunrise or sunset.

Utsikt fra Högklint mot Visby

Johan Christian Berger

Relevance Score: 0.9491

 Black and white woodcut by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "Søndag formiddag kl. 11.25" depicting a dense pattern of vertical lines at the top, a reclining figure on a lounger behind a low barrier, and a small silhouette of a person standing at the foreground railing, all rendered in strong black-and-white contrast on paper.

Søndag formiddag kl. 11.25

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9488

 "Victoria" by Håkon Stenstadvold, a black and white wood engraving on paper depicting a silhouetted woman standing in a doorway, framed by an intricate pattern of branches.


Håkon Stenstadvold

Relevance Score: 0.9486

 "Komposisjon" by Ludvig Eikaas, an abstract fine art print featuring geometric shapes with shades of olive green and grey in the background, a quarter circle divided into a bright yellow top and white bottom, and a thin vertical line crossed by a small, smudged black and grey rectangle.


Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9486

 "Monument over Olav den hellige på Stiklestad" by Christian August Lorentzen is an aquatint on paper depicting a serene landscape with a hill topped by an obelisk monument under a soft sky with light grays and blues. Foreground shows a gathering of figures and carriages arrayed in dark browns, reds, and blues.

Monument over Olav den hellige på Stiklestad

Relevance Score: 0.9485