Gigapixel photos

Nasjonalmuseet’s Photography section has started taking high-resolution photos, aka Gigapixel photos.
The easel was constructed in collaboration with Trosterud Mekaniske and Siemens Norge.

The easel has motors that move the painting on the x and y-axis while a Hasselblad with Multishot settings takes photos in an overlapping pattern.
A painting with dimensions 50x60cm contains around 220 photos.
By combining these photos, we can achieve a very high resolution. Typical images are more than one billion pixels in size and can be several hundred Megabytes in size.
These massive images would not easily display on a webpage, so we use IIIF technology for fast, rich, zoom, and pan delivery.

Here are some examples


By Tord Nilsen

Hello, I'm Tord Nilsen, currently serving as a Senior Advisor at Nasjonalmuseet with a focus on digital innovation and artificial intelligence (AI). My professional journey is a tapestry woven with strands of coding, design, and a profound understanding of human behavior, nurtured during my time as a personal assistant. I am deeply passionate about merging technology with empathy to transform the way we experience cultural heritage. At Nasjonalmuseet, I lead initiatives that leverage AI to make our museum collections more accessible and engaging. I'm particularly involved in developing open APIs and creating digital experiences that are centered around the user. My role is not just about preserving our cultural legacy; it's about bringing it to life in the digital realm, ensuring that it resonates with and is accessible to everyone.