Finding the right resolution for image analysis

(By Tord Nilsen, Senior Advisor National Museum Norway) In our Semantic Search prototype, we have experienced some issues where the OpenAI GPT-4 Vision API sometimes will misinterpret images with low resolution. To avoid higher API costs than necessary, we have been sending images with a resolution of 256×256 pixels, but have observed that the API… Continue reading Finding the right resolution for image analysis

Semantic search in an online collection

We are prototyping a new semantic search feature for Nasjonalmuseet’s online collection. This search method focuses on context and meaning within the image, and offers a different approach to exploring the objects in our collection from the conventional method of matching the user’s query against terms in our collection management system. In this prototyping stage… Continue reading Semantic search in an online collection


Embracing Scrollytelling: A Fresh Approach to Digital Storytelling at the National Museum At the National Museum, we are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance our digital presence and make our collections more accessible and engaging for our diverse audience. To this end, we are excited to introduce a fresh approach to digital… Continue reading Scrollytelling

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Embedded Gigapixel viewer

Sometimes we need to use components outside of our CMS environment. Iframes let us build user experiences into embeddable components, which allows users to interact with other components without being redirected.  

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Exhibit – Interactive storytelling

Exhibit is our new tool for storytelling and has a range of presentation modes, including scrollytelling, slideshows, kiosks and quizzes. Together with our gigapixels we think Exhibit could be a valuable tool for creating engagement and promoting our online digital collection. This is an example page on different configurations.    Embedded version with slides   Gigapizel with scroll… Continue reading Exhibit – Interactive storytelling

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Gigapixel photos

Nasjonalmuseet’s Photography section has started taking high-resolution photos, aka Gigapixel photos. The easel was constructed in collaboration with Trosterud Mekaniske and Siemens Norge. The easel has motors that move the painting on the x and y-axis while a Hasselblad with Multishot settings takes photos in an overlapping pattern. A painting with dimensions 50x60cm contains around… Continue reading Gigapixel photos

Nasjonalmuseets API

We are excited to annonce our API  which provides faster and more comprehensive access to our collection. The API design is packed with features intended to make the use of our collection delightful. We are rapidly developing new features for example usage of a IIIF imageserver with manifests etc Read more about our API and… Continue reading Nasjonalmuseets API

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