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Related objects for NG.M.04254.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Landskap" by Lars Jorde, an oil on canvas depicting a muted rural scene with a prominent crimson red tree amidst a field of dark greens and browns, flat traditional yellow buildings, rolling hills, and an overcast sky.


Lars Jorde

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Jydsk landskap" by Lars Jorde, an oil on canvas landscape painting showing a quiet rural scene with a muted color palette, featuring greyish-blue skies with soft clouds, rolling fields in varying shades of green and yellow, a small cluster of white buildings with dark roofs, and a winding road or pathway leading through the land.

Jydsk landskap

Lars Jorde

Relevance Score: 0.9814

 An oil on paperboard landscape painting by Jørgen Sørensen, featuring a foreground with intricate, leafless trees, and a background with distant buildings set against a cloudy, expressive sky, rendered in a muted, earthy color palette.

Early Spring in Aker

Jørgen Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9744

 "Landskap," an oil on paperboard painting by artist Henrik Sørensen, showcasing an impressionistic view of dark, mountainous terrain with rich maroons and browns, accented by highlights of creamy beige.


Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9736

 "Landscape" by Inggard Rosseland, an abstract oil painting on canvas, featuring dark green coniferous trees in the foreground with indistinct pink, white, and blue shapes suggesting buildings or rocks in the middle, set against a light blue, gray, and pale yellow sky, capturing a dreamy, expressionist landscape scene.


Inggard Rosseland

Relevance Score: 0.9729

 "Landskap, Birkerød" by Harald Giersing, an oil on canvas painting depicting a gentle landscape with shades of green rolling hills, earthy paths, a subtle pale blue sky, and minimal white structures amidst the greenery, conveying a serene and harmonious mood.

Landskap, Birkerød

Harald Giersing

Relevance Score: 0.9727

 "Hedebilde fra Øland," an oil on canvas painting by Nils Kreuger, showcasing a serene rural landscape at dusk with a beautiful display of purples, blues, and pinks in the sky above green fields, a meandering blue waterway, and a rocky outcrop in the foreground.

Hedebilde fra Øland

Nils Kreuger

Relevance Score: 0.9727

 Oil painting by Johan Christian Dahl depicting a peaceful rural landscape with a tree in the lower left, a winding path with a lone figure, and distant hills under a clear sky, showcasing a variety of earthy colors and a sense of depth.

Green Fields near Meissen

Johan Christian Dahl

Relevance Score: 0.9719

 "Vinterlandskap" by Karl XV av Sverige og Norge, oil on canvas, depicting a tranquil winter scene with a large, bare tree with twisted branches on the left, soft pastel sky in the background, a solitary small figure walking through the snow, and a frozen water body reflecting the sky's colors on the right.


Karl XV av Sverige og Norge

Relevance Score: 0.9718

 "Landscape at Nystuen on Filefjell" by Johan Christian Dahl - An oil on board painting depicting a tranquil mountainous scene with a reflective lake, shadowy grasslands in the foreground, vibrant greenery, snow-capped peaks in a soft light, and a dramatic sky with clouds hinting at sunrise or sunset.

Landscape at Nystuen on Filefjell

Johan Christian Dahl

Relevance Score: 0.9710

 Oil painting on canvas by Otto Emil Johansen depicting a tranquil landscape with a central dirt path, deciduous trees with yellow leaves on the left, dark green evergreens on the right, and distant blue-gray mountains under an overcast sky.

View from Hurdalen

Otto Emil Johansen

Relevance Score: 0.9710

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas mounted on paperboard by Olaf Isaachsen, depicting a serene, rural landscape with dark foreground, mid-ground with structures, rolling hills, a body of water, distant mountains, and a predominantly gray, overcast sky.

From Sprangereid

Olaf Isaachsen

Relevance Score: 0.9709

 An oil on canvas landscape painting by Knud Geelmuyden Bull, depicting a tranquil natural scene with barren fields in the foreground, a reflective body of water in the middle ground, rising mountains in the background, and a dynamic sky filled with sunlight-kissed clouds. A solitary church spire contrasts against the wilderness-imbued setting.

Landskap fra Sogn med Gaupne kirke

Knud Geelmuyden Bull

Relevance Score: 0.9709

 A landscape painting by Johan Thomas Lundbye, featuring a stormy sky with dark clouds and a central light clearing over a field of muted golds and ochres, with a row of darkly silhouetted trees on the horizon, oil on paper glued on cardboard panel.

View over Kattegat and Hesselø

Johan Thomas Lundbye

Relevance Score: 0.9708

 "Landscape from Vinje," an oil painting on wood fiber board by Henrik Sørensen, featuring a bright green field in the foreground, darker green forested hills in the mid-ground, and blue-tinged mountains in the background under a pale sky, demonstrating a vibrant depiction of the Norwegian countryside with expressive brushstrokes.

Landscape from Vinje

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9706

 "Landskap" by Alfred Wiström, an oil on canvas depicting a serene rustic scene with a wooden cabin by a lake, a birch tree, a dock with a rowboat, and a sail unfurled on a tiny sailboat, all rendered in muted browns, greens, and greys.


Alfred Wiström

Relevance Score: 0.9703

Oil painting on canvas by Hans Gude, mounted on wood fiberboard, showcasing a tranquil natural scene with a lone tree on a rock outcrop, against a backdrop of rolling hills and a softly lit morning or evening sky.

Landscape Study from Vågå

Hans Gude

Relevance Score: 0.9700

 Oil on canvas landscape painting by Nikolai Astrup, featuring a visual art depiction of a dense forest with prominent birch trees, a hinted body of water, and a muted blue and grey distant background, providing a serene portrayal of an untouched natural setting.


Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9699

 "Landscape Study" by Knud Baade, depicting a dark, moody pastoral scene with an overcast sky, dense forest, and a clearing with grazing animals on paper, using oil paints.

Landscape Study

Knud Baade

Relevance Score: 0.9696

 "Hollandsk landskap" by an unidentified Dutch artist, an oil painting on wood depicting a serene Dutch landscape with a cloudy sky, a cottage to the left, villagers on a path, and a distant windmill amidst various shades of greenery and a reflective body of water.

Hollandsk landskap

Uidentifisert, hollandsk

Relevance Score: 0.9695

Alt Text: Oil on canvas landscape painting by Henrik Lund, featuring rugged foreground rocks in dark blues and greys, a middle ground with vibrant greens and hints of structures painted in reds and browns, and a pale blue sky meeting the land on the horizon. The painting has an impressionistic style with bold brushwork, evoking the dynamic beauty of the natural scene.

October on the Island Skåtøy

Henrik Lund

Relevance Score: 0.9694

 "From Seljord" by Oluf Wold-Torne is an oil on canvas landscape painting featuring pink flowers in the foreground, rustic buildings in the middle ground, a calm blue lake, and mountainous terrain set against a light blue sky with gentle clouds.

From Seljord

Oluf Wold-Torne

Relevance Score: 0.9692

 "From Kviteseid in Telemark," an oil on canvas painting by Einar Sandberg, showing a lush green tree in the center, smaller trees on the sides, rolling hills in the background, and part of a rustic building on the right, set against a soft, pale blue-gray sky.

From Kviteseid in Telemark

Einar Sandberg

Relevance Score: 0.9691

 An oil on canvas painting by Gerhard Munthe featuring a pastoral landscape with traditional red Norwegian houses nestled among rolling green hills and rugged terrain, with a small stream in the foreground and mountains in the background under a light blue sky with soft clouds.

Evening in Eggedal

Gerhard Munthe

Relevance Score: 0.9691

 "French Landscape" by Henrik Sørensen, an oil painting on wood fiber board depicting a serene, rural setting with muted earthy colors. The centerpiece is a building with a red-brown roof and chimney, surrounded by dark green trees and a sky painted in strokes of blue and white. The foreground shows light brown fields, and the impressionistic style imparts texture to the scene.

French Landscape

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9690

 Oil painting on canvas by Johannes Flintoe presenting a tranquil landscape scene. The foreground features lush green foliage with a prominent, leafy tree on the right. A rustic farmhouse with a russet roof is nestled among the meadow in the middle ground, while the background shows less defined trees under an overcast sky with a gradient from pale yellow to grayish-blue. The mood is serene, inviting contemplation of natural beauty.

View from Peckel's Estate in Pilestredet, Oslo

Johannes Flintoe

Relevance Score: 0.9688

 "Woodland Scene" by Johann Lagoor is an oil on canvas painting depicting a tranquil forest clearing with a reflective water body in the foreground, a dominant tree in the center with lush green leaves, gentle hills in the background, and a soft blue sky with fluffy clouds above.

Woodland Scene

Johann Lagoor

Relevance Score: 0.9687

 Oil painting on wood fiber panel by Henrik Sørensen, illustrating a vibrant landscape with a foreground of lively green and yellow meadow, midground with dark purple, brown, and green craggy hillsides with occasional red and orange foliage, and a sky filled with soft yellow and white tones suggestive of evening light.

At Dusk in Støylsdalen

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9684

 "Vårløsning" by Lars Jorde, an oil on canvas painting of a landscape undergoing the spring thaw with patches of snow amidst emerging green fields, rolling hills, distant mountains, and a clear blue sky.


Lars Jorde

Relevance Score: 0.9683

 An expressionistic oil painting on canvas by Henrik Sørensen depicting a mountain landscape with a cloudy sky and rolling hills in vibrant autumn colors.

Autumn in Telemark

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9681