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Related objects for NG.M.00281.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 Oil painting on canvas by Werner Holmberg depicting a peaceful forest scene with dappled light filtering through trees onto a path and a small reflective puddle, featuring shades of green, brown, and gray that create a muted and earthy atmosphere.


Werner Holmberg

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 Oil on canvas painting by Eilif Peterssen depicting a verdant forest with a rocky stream, showcasing a blend of earthy tones and impressionistic brushstrokes that capture the dynamic scenery and natural beauty of the woodland environment. The play of light and shadow offers depth and movement across the canvas.

From Holleia

Eilif Peterssen

Relevance Score: 0.9759

 "Woodland Scene" by Johann Lagoor is an oil on canvas painting depicting a tranquil forest clearing with a reflective water body in the foreground, a dominant tree in the center with lush green leaves, gentle hills in the background, and a soft blue sky with fluffy clouds above.

Woodland Scene

Johann Lagoor

Relevance Score: 0.9756

 Oil on paper mounted on canvas painting by Thomas Fearnley depicting a tranquil forest scene with a small stream, a dense arrangement of trees with multi-shaded green foliage, and boulders in the foreground, creating a sense of natural serenity and seclusion.

A Forest Road with an Altar

Thomas Fearnley

Relevance Score: 0.9735

 Oil on canvas painting by Gerhard Munthe, showcasing a serene natural landscape with a rocky foreground and a dense forest background under a gradient sky, portrayed in earthy tones and textured brushwork.

Brook at Øylo

Gerhard Munthe

Relevance Score: 0.9728

 Oil painting on canvas by Otto Emil Johansen depicting a tranquil landscape with a central dirt path, deciduous trees with yellow leaves on the left, dark green evergreens on the right, and distant blue-gray mountains under an overcast sky.

View from Hurdalen

Otto Emil Johansen

Relevance Score: 0.9714

 "Oil on canvas landscape painting by Nikolai Astrup depicting a tranquil outdoor scene with white trees, a wooden fence, rolling hills, and a body of water, using vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes."

Spring Evening in Jølster

Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9713

 "Woodland Scene" by Frederik van Valckenborch, an oil on canvas painting depicting a group of figures in period attire resting by a brook in a dense forest with rich foliage in varied shades of green, accented by soft natural lighting.

Woodland Scene

Frederik van Valckenborch

Relevance Score: 0.9712

 Oil painting on canvas by Johannes Flintoe presenting a tranquil landscape scene. The foreground features lush green foliage with a prominent, leafy tree on the right. A rustic farmhouse with a russet roof is nestled among the meadow in the middle ground, while the background shows less defined trees under an overcast sky with a gradient from pale yellow to grayish-blue. The mood is serene, inviting contemplation of natural beauty.

View from Peckel's Estate in Pilestredet, Oslo

Johannes Flintoe

Relevance Score: 0.9710

 Oil on canvas landscape painting by Nikolai Astrup, featuring a visual art depiction of a dense forest with prominent birch trees, a hinted body of water, and a muted blue and grey distant background, providing a serene portrayal of an untouched natural setting.


Nikolai Astrup

Relevance Score: 0.9707

 A romantic landscape painting by August Cappelen, featuring a tall tree in the center with earthy brown bark and green needles, surrounded by rocky terrain and sparse vegetation in the foreground, with a forested valley and blue-purple mountains in the background, all rendered in oil on canvas mounted on paperboard.

Rocky Landscape with Pinetreees

August Cappelen

Relevance Score: 0.9702

 An oil on canvas landscape painting by Knud Geelmuyden Bull, depicting a tranquil natural scene with barren fields in the foreground, a reflective body of water in the middle ground, rising mountains in the background, and a dynamic sky filled with sunlight-kissed clouds. A solitary church spire contrasts against the wilderness-imbued setting.

Landskap fra Sogn med Gaupne kirke

Knud Geelmuyden Bull

Relevance Score: 0.9700

 Oil painting by Henrik Sørensen on wood fiberboard depicting a lush green tree and a white house in the foreground with cultivated land, a blue body of water, and rolling hills in the background, rendered in expressive brushstrokes and a natural color palette.

Approaching Storm

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9699

 An oil on canvas painting by August Cappelen depicting a dark, dense forest scene with mature trees and a fallen trunk, showcasing a somber palette of browns, greens, and greys, evoking a sense of stillness and introspection.

Study of a Decaying Wood

August Cappelen

Relevance Score: 0.9697

 "Forest Scene" by Adolph Tidemand, an oil on canvas affixed to a wood-fiber board, capturing a serene forest with assorted shades of green foliage, earthen-toned forest floor, slender brown and gray tree trunks, and subtle sunlight filtering through the canopy.

Road in the Forest

Adolph Tidemand

Relevance Score: 0.9697

 An oil painting on wood by Peder Balke featuring a landscape with calm waters in the foreground, green vegetation on either side, a mountain range in the background under a sky with light cloud cover and birds in flight. The colors are soft and muted, with a palette of grays, blues, browns, and greens creating a serene, ethereal scene.


Peder Balke

Relevance Score: 0.9695

 An impressionistic oil painting on canvas mounted on paperboard by Olaf Isaachsen, depicting a serene, rural landscape with dark foreground, mid-ground with structures, rolling hills, a body of water, distant mountains, and a predominantly gray, overcast sky.

From Sprangereid

Olaf Isaachsen

Relevance Score: 0.9695

 "Woodland Scene" by an unidentified Flemish artist depicting a serene forest with dense foliage in earthy greens and browns reflecting off the surface of a central, dark blue-green body of water under a soft pastel sky.

Woodland Scene

Uidentifisert, flamsk

Relevance Score: 0.9694

 An oil painting on paper mounted on wood fiberboard by Hans Gude displaying a partially completed landscape. To the left, dense dark green trees and a white waterfall cascading down a cliff in the center, with an unfinished right side showing the bare paper. Above, a sky with soft clouds in whites, light blues, and hints of pale pink.

Waterfall near Voss

Hans Gude

Relevance Score: 0.9693

 "A tranquil oil on canvas painting by François Louis Français depicting a solitary figure amidst boulders and dense, dark green foliage, with the soft pastel sky peeking through the treetops."

Landskap med Milon fra Kroton

François Louis Français

Relevance Score: 0.9693

 "A Forest" by Lars Hertervig is an oil painting on canvas depicting a serene forest scene with a moody color palette featuring dark earthy tones in the foreground, muted greens with touches of yellow and orange in the trees, and a softly illuminated sky at the background, evoking a sense of solitude and natural beauty.

A Forest

Lars Hertervig

Relevance Score: 0.9685

Alt Text: Oil on canvas landscape painting by Henrik Lund, featuring rugged foreground rocks in dark blues and greys, a middle ground with vibrant greens and hints of structures painted in reds and browns, and a pale blue sky meeting the land on the horizon. The painting has an impressionistic style with bold brushwork, evoking the dynamic beauty of the natural scene.

October on the Island Skåtøy

Henrik Lund

Relevance Score: 0.9681

 Oil painting by Johan Christian Dahl depicting a peaceful rural landscape with a tree in the lower left, a winding path with a lone figure, and distant hills under a clear sky, showcasing a variety of earthy colors and a sense of depth.

Green Fields near Meissen

Johan Christian Dahl

Relevance Score: 0.9674

 "Serene landscape by Johan Fredrik Eckersberg featuring a lush green hillside with grazing cows and wooden huts overlooking a calm body of water, with steep mountains rising in the background under a light blue sky with scattered clouds."

View of Suldal

Johan Fredrik Eckersberg

Relevance Score: 0.9672

 An oil painting on wood panel by Oscar A. Wergeland, portraying a winding path through a natural, overgrown landscape. The color scheme consists of dark browns and grays in the foliage to the left, a dusty brown path to the right, and a luminous sky in creams and soft grays, exuding a serene atmosphere.

Country Road

Oscar A. Wergeland

Relevance Score: 0.9671

 An oil painting on canvas by artist Henrik Sørensen, showcasing a vibrant forest scene with expressive brushstrokes in shades of green, brown, yellow, and deep blues, giving the impression of sunlight piercing through a dense canopy of autumnal foliage.

Blue Wood

Henrik Sørensen

Relevance Score: 0.9670

 "Landscape painting on canvas by Hans Gude featuring a vast wilderness scene with dark green lush trees in the foreground framing a tranquil body of water, with mountains shrouded in mist in the background under a sky with clouds tinged by the golden light of the sun."

Norwegian Highlands in Sunrise

Hans Gude

Relevance Score: 0.9670

 Oil painting on canvas by Fredrik Borgen depicting a tranquil rural landscape with a brook in the foreground, a wooden house with a red roof in the midground, and a cloudy sky, conveying the beauty and serenity of country life.

Wet Autoumn at Hov in Øyer, Gudbrandsdalen

Fredrik Borgen

Relevance Score: 0.9667

 An oil on canvas painting by Gerhard Munthe featuring a pastoral landscape with traditional red Norwegian houses nestled among rolling green hills and rugged terrain, with a small stream in the foreground and mountains in the background under a light blue sky with soft clouds.

Evening in Eggedal

Gerhard Munthe

Relevance Score: 0.9666

 An oil painting on canvas by Jean Heiberg depicting a vibrant landscape with lush greenery, large grey rocks, young trees, and rolling hills in the background, all rendered with dynamic and expressive brushstrokes.

En hei, Nordland

Jean Heiberg

Relevance Score: 0.9664