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Related objects for NG.K&H.A.13807.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 Etching by Francisco de Goya titled "He makes some use of it," featuring a monotone image of a man lying prone on the ground with disheveled clothing, rendered in dark shades of black and gray, conveying a somber and desolate scene.

He makes some use of it

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 Etching titled "All this and more" by Francisco de Goya on paper, depicting a tumultuous scene with intertwined figures and objects, showcasing a predominantly monochromatic palette with a focus on the darker tones in the chaotic foreground, and a lighter, dustier background suggesting an atmosphere of devastation.

All this and more

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9590

 "What more can be done?" - An etching on paper by Francisco de Goya, depicting a tumultuous and violent scene in monochromatic sepia tones, with figures engaged in an agitated encounter, characterized by fluid, expressive lines and a contrast of light and shadow.

What more can be done?

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9588

 Artwork by Francisco de Goya titled "There is no one to help them," depicting a forlorn figure kneeling beside another figure lying on the ground, set against a dark, ambiguous background, suggesting desolation and hopelessness.

There is no one to help them

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9581

 Monochromatic etching titled "Vain laments" by Francisco de Goya, depicting an anguished central figure with outstretched arms surrounded by other characters, all set against a backdrop of sketchy figures and structures in sepia tones.

Vain laments

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9578

 A black and white etching titled "Of what ill will he die?" by Francisco de Goya, depicting a seated humanoid figure with the head of a donkey, dressed in period clothing, holding a quill and leaning over a book or document, set against a dark, shadowy background.

Of what ill will he die?

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9577

 "It will be the same" by Francisco de Goya, a fine art etching depicting figures in distress, embraced in a tight cluster, with a monochromatic brown-tone palette on paper.

It will be the same

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9573

 Monochrome etching titled "Devout profession" by Francisco de Goya, depicting a vivid scene with multiple figures in expressive poses, engaging in an intense religious or spiritual experience, utilizing a dynamic range of grayscale tones.

Devout profession

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9573

 "It serves you right" by Francisco de Goya, an etching depicting a dramatic outdoor scene with several figures, possibly in a conversation or confrontation, shaded in tones of gray, showcasing fine lines and textural details on paper.

It serves you right

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9573

 "It's better to be lazy," an etching by Francisco de Goya, showing a monochromatic scene with two figures seated and engaged in a precise activity, possibly crafting, while a third figure stands aside with crossed arms, all adorned in period attire, surrounded by the nuanced interplay of light and shadow in gray tones on paper.

It's better to be lazy

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9569

 Black-and-white etching by Francisco de Goya titled "On account of a knife," displaying a stern figure seated with a knife in hand, draped in 18th-century attire against a faintly etched background, possibly depicting a rocky landscape. The artist skillfully employs shading and texturing, achieving depth and complexity in this grayscale piece.

On account of a knife

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9560

 "They do not know the way" by Francisco de Goya, an etching depicting a group of somber figures in a desolate landscape, dressed in muted attire, focusing intently on the ground with an overcast sky above them, done in sepia and gray hues emphasizing a mood of despair.

They do not know the way

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9553

 An etching by Francisco de Goya titled "This is how it happened!", showing a figure in historical clothing bent forward in despair in the foreground, with a group of observers in the background to the left, set against a monochromatic brown, tan, and sepia backdrop. The technique suggests a depth and texture characteristic of Goya's traditional etching methods.

This is how it happened!

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9552

 "The Beds of Death" by Francisco de Goya, an etching depicting a dark scene with a cloaked figure bending over a form on the ground amidst a neutral, sepia-toned background, suggesting a moment of grief or contemplation.

The beds of death

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9548

 Etching by Francisco de Goya entitled "Truth has died", depicting a tumultuous scene with a central figure lying on the ground surrounded by other agitated figures, rendered in a monochromatic palette of blacks, whites, and grays.

Truth has died

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9547

 "Ravages of War" by Francisco de Goya, depicting a dark and shadowy etching of a lifeless body at the center surrounded by indistinct forms, representing the aftermath of conflict with a stark contrast of brown and black shades creating a sense of death and destruction.

Ravages of war

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9546

 An etching by Francisco de Goya titled "Can't anyone unite us?" featuring a person being carried by another in a chaotic scene, rendered in expressive black and grey lines on paper, capturing a sense of motion and intensity.

Can't anyone unite us?

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9545

 Black and white etching by Francisco de Goya titled "Even thus he cannot make her out," depicting a man and woman in a close encounter, with the woman's expression partially visible while a second woman observes them from the side. The scene conveys drama and intimacy with a background that fades into shadows.

Even thus he cannot make her out

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9542

 "A bad night" by Francisco de Goya is an etching depicting a figure in extreme distress amidst a dark and ominous background, rendered in muted shades of black, white, and gray, capturing an intense, nightmarish scene.

A bad night

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9541

 An etching by Francisco de Goya titled "It is nicely stretched", depicting a figure bending over to smooth out a white sheet on a flat surface, under the watchful eye of a shadowy figure in the background, rendered in grayscale with rich contrasts and intricate details.

It is nicely streched

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9540

 A grayscale etching titled "Cartloads to the cemetery" by Francisco de Goya depicting a horse-drawn cart loaded with bodies, surrounded by somber figures, conveying a sense of melancholy and reflection on death. The detailed art piece is monochromatic, showing deep shadows and textures suggestive of a historical scene filled with grief and sorrow.

Cartloads to the cemetery

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9540

 An etching by Francisco de Goya titled "Strange Devotion!" showing a group of distressed humans around a lifeless figure in the foreground, with an alcove containing more figures and a cross in the background, and a calm donkey between them, all rendered in muted brown and gray tones.

Strange devotion!

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9539

 An etching by Francisco de Goya entitled "What madness!" displaying a monochromatic scene with a central figure in a tumultuous setting, surrounded by characters enveloped in shadow, executed in shades of brown and gray on paper.

What madness!

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9539

 A black and white Francisco de Goya etching titled "Why hide them?" displaying a seated elderly figure in distress surrounded by three other characters with exaggerated features, one shrouded in shadow and two smiling broadly, on a plain background with indistinct Spanish inscription.

Why hide them?

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9537

 Etching by Francisco de Goya entitled "Cruel tale of woe!" displaying a sorrowful scene with two figures, one reclined on the ground and another seated with their face in their hands, in shades of sepia on a creamy white paper background.

Cruel tale of woe!

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9537

 "Harvest of the dead" by Francisco de Goya, a haunting etching of a group of lifeless bodies piled together in the dark, capturing the grim aftermath of a devastating event with stark monochromatic tones.

Harvest of the dead

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9535

 "The healthy and the sick" by Francisco de Goya, black and white etching on paper depicting three figures, where one looks ill and rests on the ground while two others stand beside, possibly in a historical setting.

The healthy and the sick

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9534

 An etching by Francisco de Goya titled "Neither do these", depicting a chaotic scene of figures in a struggle, with rich black tones, contrasting grays, and highlighted details in a monochromatic palette.

Neither do these

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9533

 "The Consequences" by Francisco de Goya, an etching depicting a lifeless human figure with a pained expression, surrounded by dark winged creatures resembling bats, symbolizing the aftermath of a disaster or violence, executed in monochromatic shades on paper.

The consequences

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9531

 Etching by Francisco de Goya titled "Who would have thought it!" featuring a woman in distress with raised arm, dressed in late 18th-century attire, highlighted against a dark background, with details rendered in shades of black, gray, and white.

Who would have thought it!

Francisco de Goya

Relevance Score: 0.9529