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Related objects for NG.K&H.1982.0543.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Maler med furtende modell" by Atelier Crommelynck, a line etching on paper depicting a semi-naked female figure standing beside a patterned figure of a painter with a palette and brush, portrayed in monochromatic shades.

Maler med furtende modell

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 Black and white etching titled "Maler i arbeid, med en stygg modell" by Pablo Picasso, featuring a seated artist in profile working on a painting, dressed in an elaborate costume suggestive of historical attire. No colors are present; the composition relies on line work and hatching to convey depth and form on paper.

Maler i arbeid, med en stygg modell

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9673

 Etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Kunstner maler modellens bryst" showcasing an artist painting a model. The black and white image captures the expressive line work and interaction between the characters in a monochrome palette.

Kunstner maler modellens bryst

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9656

 A black-and-white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Maler og modell med gamasjer, med tilskuer," showing an artist on the left side, a model with gamasjer on the center-right, and a spectator in the background to the right, all depicted with varied line intensities and textures without any colors.

Maler og modell med gamasjer, med tilskuer

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9646

 An etching titled "Maler, og modell som skjuler sitt ansikt" by

Maler, og modell som skjuler sitt ansikt

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9644

 An etching titled "Drømmende olding: Kurtisane med menn kledd à la Rembrandt" by Pablo Picasso, featuring a monochromatic scene with multiple figures in historical attire interacting in a surreal, dream-like composition.

Drømmende olding: Kurtisane med menn kledd à la Rembrandt

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9624

 "Billedhugger i arbeid mens Marie-Thérèse poserer" by Pablo Picasso is a line etching on paper showing a sculptor on the left working intently in a studio setting with artistic tools around him, while a female model, presumably Marie-Thérèse, poses calmly on the right side. The etching is monochromatic with rich black ink lines on off-white paper, highlighting details and textures in a classic Picasso style.

Billedhugger i arbeid mens Marie-Thérèse poserer

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9619

 "Billedhuggere, modeller og skulptur" by Pablo Picasso, a monochrome etching depicting abstracted figures of sculptors, models, and sculptures on paper, with emphasis on line art and contouring.

Billedhuggere, modeller og skulptur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9614

 "Dans l'atelier du sculpteur" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching on paper featuring abstract and stylized figures in a sculptor's studio. The image is composed of expressive line work and is devoid of color, highlighting the interaction between the figures and the creative atmosphere of the setting.

Dans l'atelier du sculpteur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9596

 A black and white etching titled "Selvportrett" by Ludvig Eikaas, featuring a roughly sketched self-portrait in expressive lines that suggest facial features and upper body contours on a white background, with variations of black and gray tones creating depth and texture.


Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9595

 "Model Warming Her Hands," a fine art etching by Edvard Munch on paper, depicting a nude female model standing with her back against a wall, her hands raised in front of her as if warming them. The artwork is monochromatic, with expressive lines and a textural quality that suggests a candid and personal moment.

Model Warming Her Hands

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9592

 Monochromatic etching titled "Gunnar S. Gundersen" by artist Ludvig Eikaas, depicting a stylized and abstract human head with pronounced etched lines and hatching on paper, displaying a contrast between light and shadow.

Gunnar S. Gundersen

Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9590

 "Modèle, tableau et sculpture" by Pablo Picasso, a fine art etching on paper featuring a seated model on the left, a framed artwork depicted within the piece in the middle, and a sculpture on the right, all rendered in delicate black lines on a beige paper background, showcasing Picasso's signature style.

Modèle, tableau et sculpture

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9587

 A fine art black and white etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Herre med pipe og naken maja," depicting a man in a wide-brimmed hat smoking a pipe on the left and a reclining nude female figure on the right, both rendered with expressive lines and shading.

Herre med pipe og naken maja

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9587

 "Peintre peignant sur son modèle" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching depicting an abstract scene with a central figure portrayed as an artist and another form to the right, amidst a backdrop of swirling lines and varied textures, capturing the kinetic energy of the artistic process.

Peintre peignant sur son modèle

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9583

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Jeune femme et gentilhomme; sculpture égyptienne au socle peint" featuring abstract figures in a composition that reflects the artist's cubist style, executed on paper with distinctive lines and contrasts.

Jeune femme et gentilhomme; sculpture égyptienne au socle peint

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9579

 A monochrome etching titled "Raphaël et la Fornarina. VI: Enfin seuls!" by Pablo Picasso, depicting two subtly outlined figures in an intimate setting, characterized by fine lines and shades of gray on paper.

Raphaël et la Fornarina. VI: Enfin seuls!

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9578

 A monochromatic line etching titled "Selvportrett" by Ludvig Eikaas showing a stylized self-portrait in shades of gray with a sketch-like quality, emphasizing the artist's face with evocative eyes and a contemplative expression, set against a plain background.


Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9577

 "Etsning III" by Inger Sitter, an abstract fine art print incorporating dark brown, gray, and black shades with a complex interplay of textured lines and forms suggesting depth and movement on paper.

Etsning III

Inger Sitter

Relevance Score: 0.9575

 Monochrome etching titled "Rafael og La Fornarina II: Med en skjult kikker" by Pablo Picasso, depicting an abstract interpretation of an intimate scene between Raphael and La Fornarina with an implication of a hidden observer, rendered in a delicate interplay of lines on paper.

Rafael og La Fornarina II: Med en skjult kikker

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9574

 A monochromatic line drawing by Pablo Picasso titled "Gammel maler med en ung kvinne" shows an old painter with wild hair and a beard, holding a thin object, possibly a brush, next to a young

Gammel maler med en ung kvinne

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9572

 A monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Ung kurtisane med en herre, en billedhugger og en interessert gamling," featuring fine line work on paper that depicts four figures, presumably a young courtesan, a gentleman, a sculptor, and an interested old man in an intimate yet dynamic composition, executed with the technique of line etching.

Ung kurtisane med en herre, en billedhugger og en interessert gamling

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9572

 "Atelier-besøk," a black-and-white line etching by Ludvig Eikaas, presenting two stylized figures in an artist's studio, executed with minimal detail, emphasizing contours over shading on a white paper background.


Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9571

 "Portrett av en hollandsk borgerfrue med kyse," a line etching by Pablo Picasso depicting a stylized portrait of a Dutch woman in traditional attire. The artwork features expressive line work to represent her face with asterisk-like eyes and a smile, and a headgear with intricate patterns, hinting at braided hair or decorative elements in the cap, along with a detailed lace ruff around her neck, all rendered in black on white paper.

Portrett av en hollandsk borgerfrue med kyse

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9571

 "Nude" by Harald Kihle, a monochromatic woodcut print on paper showing a stylized nude female figure in contemplation within a textured interior, with a towel rack and a bowl of fruit on the floor, emphasizing form through expressive lines and contrasting shades of black and grey.


Harald Kihle

Relevance Score: 0.9570

 Line etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Prostituert med en aldrende mann," depicting the profile of an aged man looking towards a young woman facing the viewer, rendered in monochromatic black lines on a white background, showcasing contrasting textures and expressions.

Prostituert med en aldrende mann

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9570

 "Deux femmes regardant une tête sculptée" by Pablo Picasso, a fine art print depicting two abstract women observing a sculpted head, using intricate line work on paper, primarily rendered in monochrome.

Deux femmes regardant une tête sculptée

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9568

 "Spansk kunstner maler en naken kvinnes portrett i form av en skegget mann med pipekrave" by Pablo Picasso, a complex black and white etching depicting abstract, cubist forms and figures suggestive of a painting session.

Spansk kunstner maler en naken kvinnes portrett i form av en skegget mann med pipekrave

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9568

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Gruppe med kvinne og lam, naken beriderske og selvportrett som bilmekaniker," displaying an abstract composition of human figures, animals, and mechanical elements with varied line thickness and grayscale tones on paper.

Gruppe med kvinne og lam, naken beriderske og selvportrett som bilmekaniker

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9568

 "Portrettet" by Pablo Picasso, a line etching on paper showcasing an abstract figure in an intimate embrace, rendered in a monochromatic palette with intricate lines and varying shades of gray on a white background.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9565