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Related objects for NG.K&H.1982.0301.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 "Jeune couple, vieux couple, spectateur, avec un carrosse au fond" by Pablo Picasso — A monochromatic mezzotint print featuring abstract figures in varying shades of black, gray, and white, showcasing Picasso's distinctive style of distorted forms and expressive lines.

Jeune couple. vieux couple, spectateur, avec un carrosse au fond

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Mousquetaire attablé avec un jeune garçon, évoquant sa vie" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching of abstracted and distorted human figures, possibly in a storytelling scene within a tavern-like setting, utilizing a somber palette of blacks, whites, and grays.

"Mousquetaire" attablé avec un jeune garçon, évoquant sa vie

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9652

 An abstract monochromatic print titled "Couple pensant à une partie à trois" by Pablo Picasso, depicting an entanglement of three figures with overlapping forms and expressive lines, devoid of color except for the varying shades of black, white, and grey on light cream or white paper.

Couple pensant à une partie à trois

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9652

 "Vieux peintre, modèle et spectateur," a black and white etching by Pablo Picasso featuring an elderly artist working on his art with a model present, while a spectator observes—the scene captured in Picasso's distinct line work and textural contrasts.

Vieux peintre, modèle et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9649

 This is "Couple en carrosse et pauvre piéton" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching on paper showing a detailed horse-drawn carriage with a couple inside, a coachman to the side, and a less detailed figure of a poor pedestrian to the left. The etching focuses on contrasts between wealth and poverty, using clean lines and

Couple en carrosse et pauvre piéton

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9634

 A black and white line etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Peintre avec couple et enfant," featuring stylized figures including a painter with a palette, a poised female figure with a ruffled neckline, a ghostly layered face, and a child's face in the lower right, all on a light background with ample white space around the etched area.

Peintre avec couple et enfant

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9629

 "Grosse courtisane, avec une vieillard et un spectateur en costume" - A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso featuring a prominently posed courtesan, an older man, and a less defined spectator in costume. The figures are depicted with expressive, textured lines against a plain background. Artist's signature and title are at the bottom.

Grosse courtisane, avec une vieillard et un spectateur en costume

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9625

 "Peintre à son chevalet, avec une modèle assis" by Pablo Picasso - a monochromatic aquatint and drypoint print on paper depicting an abstract scene with a painter at his easel and a seated model, with expressive lines and varying shades of gray creating a dynamic composition.

Peintre à son chevalet, avec une modèle assis

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9614

 A black, white, and gray etching titled "Char romain, avec écuyère tombant, femme nue et spectateurs" by Pablo Picasso, depicting an abstract scene with a fallen chariot rider, a nude female figure, and onlookers, rendered in Picasso's signature Cubist style.

Char romain, avec écuyière tombant, femme nue et spectateurs

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9612

 Etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Picasso, son œuvre, et son public" depicting three abstract figures with juxtaposed forms in various shades of black, white, and gray.

Picasso, son œuvre, et son public

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9609

 Black and white artwork by Pablo Picasso titled "Trois vieux copains en visite: Monsieur fume, madame surveille," displaying abstract figures with one holding a smoking utensil, another observing, and a third with a crown-like headpiece, using aquatint and scraping iron on paper.

Trois vieux copains en visite: Monsieur fume, madame surveille

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9606

 A black and white print by Pablo Picasso titled "Jeune homme faisant sa déclaration, en présence des autorités," featuring abstract human figures with varying degrees of detail and heavy contrast between the stark white paper and the black ink strokes. The central figure seems to be a young man with more defined features, surrounded by other heavily abstracted characters, possibly representing authorities, in Picasso's signature style.

Jeune homme faisant sa déclaration, en présence des autorités

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9605

 Black-and-white artwork titled "Couple avec un amour, visiteurs. et spectateur" by Pablo Picasso, featuring abstract and stylized figures created with aquatint, scraper, and cold needle on paper, suggesting a complex interplay of textures and shades of gray.

Couple avec un amour, visiteurs. et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9603

 Etching titled "Vieux bouffon contemplant des acrobates" by Pablo Picasso, featuring abstract and figurative elements with figures resembling acrobats amidst a chaotic backdrop of lines on paper, in monochromatic shades of black, white, and gray.

Vieux bouffon contemplant des acrobates. I

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9603

 "Les modes changent: Deux couples," an etching on paper by Pablo Picasso, featuring abstract figures of two couples in black lines with a dreamlike quality.

Les modes changent: Deux couples

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9598

 A monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Sculpteur et son autoportrait sculpté servant de socle à une tête de Marie-Thérèse", featuring abstract forms and lines on paper that suggest a sculptor and his artwork in a highly stylized and symbolic fashion, with Picasso's signature at the bottom right.

Sculpteur et son autoportrait sculpté servant de socle à une tête de Marie-Thérèse

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 A black and white etching titled "Matmore endimanché dans la coulisse d'un cirque" by Pablo Picasso, depicting a richly textured figure that suggests a clown or performer in the left section and a simplified circus performance with a figure on a horse in front of an audience on the right section, all rendered in a monochromatic

Matmore endimanché dans la coulisse d'un cirque

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 A black and white Picasso etching titled "Maja et putto, cavalier et diablotin voyeur" on paper, featuring a whimsical scene with abstract figures suggestive of a woman, a cherub, a knight, and a small devil. The work exhibits expressive lines and

Maja et putto, cavalier et diablotin voyeur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9593

 Black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Groupe avec vieillard à la torche sur un âne amoureux, femme et arlequin" depicting an intertwined group of figures including an elderly man with a torch, a donkey, a lover, a woman, and a harlequin on paper. The artwork showcases a mix of abstract and distorted characters engaging in a dynamic and narrative scene, with a range of line thicknesses suggesting texture and movement.

Groupe avec vieillard à la torche sur un âne amoureux, femme et arlequin

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9591

 "Peintre, modèle et spectateur" by Pablo Picasso, a monochrome aquatint etching on paper featuring an abstract scene of three figures with one appearing to be an artist holding painting tools, the second as a model posing, and the third as a spectator observing them, all set against a stark white background.

Peintre, modèle et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9588

 Etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Sculpture avec un groupe sculpté (hommage à Carpeaux)," featuring a sketched seated figure with a contemplative expression and a dynamic group sculpture to the right, all rendered in a monochromatic palette of blacks, whites, and grays on an off-white paper.

Sculpture avec un groupe sculpté (hommage à Carpeaux)

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9588

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Char romain avec vieil athlète, écuyère, odalisque et spectateur" featuring four stylized figures including an older athlete, a performing equestrian, a relaxed odalisque, and an engaged spectator, all rendered in Picasso's expressive line work with varying degrees of shading and textural detail.

Char romain avec vieil athlète, écuyière, odalisque et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9585

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Jeune femme et gentilhomme; sculpture égyptienne au socle peint" featuring abstract figures in a composition that reflects the artist's cubist style, executed on paper with distinctive lines and contrasts.

Jeune femme et gentilhomme; sculpture égyptienne au socle peint

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9584

 "Visiteur rembranesque chez une courtisane folâtre" by Pablo Picasso, an etching on paper showcasing three expressive figures in a dynamic interaction, with bold and sketchy black lines on textured white paper.

Visiteur rembranesque chez une courtisane folâtre

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9582

Alt text: "Accouplement I" by Pablo Picasso, an etching and aquatint on paper featuring an abstract monochromatic design in shades of black, white, and gray, signed by the artist.

Accouplement I

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9578

 A monochromatic etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Vieux sculpteur et modèle assoupi avec un groupe sculpté représentant des chevaux luttant," featuring an elderly sculptor at work with a dozing model and a group of sculpted horses in battle, rendered in delicate lines on a paper background.

Vieux sculpteur et modèle assoupi avec un groupe sculpté représentant des chevaux luttant

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9574

 "Jeune femme et 'mousquetaire'" by Pablo Picasso, a grayscale print showing a stylized reclining nude female figure with abstract white patches on her body next to a simplified musketeer figure, set against a dark textured background, created with aquatint and drypoint techniques.

Jeune femme et "mousquetaire"

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9573

 A black and white Pablo Picasso etching titled "El Arrastre, avec écuyère et putto," showcasing a dynamic, abstract scene with human figures, a female rider, and a cherubic boy amidst other forms and animals, using varied line weights and grayscale shading to create depth on paper.

El Arrastre, avec écuyère et putto

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9572

 "Couple faisant l'amour," an intaglio print by Pablo Picasso, depicting an abstract and intimate scene in monochrome with a couple entangled in a passionate embrace, utilizing techniques of drypoint and aquatint on paper.

Couple faisant l'amour

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9571

 Etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Sculpteur avec son modèle et sa sculpture," featuring abstract line art of a sculptor with a model and a sculpture on white paper, using black ink that explores the dynamics of creation.

Sculpteur avec son modèle et sa sculpture

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9570