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Related objects for NG.K&H.1982.0258.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso entitled "Cirque: Char romain, et clown", featuring a detailed circus scene with a central clown figure and surrounding festive decorations. The intricate use of line and cross-hatching creates a lively and textured visual experience in monochrome.

Cirque: Char romain, et clown

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 Etching by Pablo Picasso titled "På sirkus: Gruppe med beriderske og klovn" depicting a monochromatic circus scene with a female rider, a clown, and various performers under a tent, crafted with fine lines on white paper.

På sirkus: Gruppe med beriderske og klovn

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9699

 A black and white etching titled "Matmore endimanché dans la coulisse d'un cirque" by Pablo Picasso, depicting a richly textured figure that suggests a clown or performer in the left section and a simplified circus performance with a figure on a horse in front of an audience on the right section, all rendered in a monochromatic

Matmore endimanché dans la coulisse d'un cirque

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9653

 "Cirque: Écuyère, femmes et spectateurs, dont un garagiste déguisé" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching depicting a circus scene with a female horse rider at the center surrounded by women and spectators, including a mechanic in disguise, rendered in dynamic lines on paper.

Cirque: Écuyère, femmes et spectateurs, dont un garagiste déguisé

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9626

 "Au cirque: Écuyère, clown et pierrot" by Pablo Picasso - A monochromatic aquatint and drypoint depicting an abstract circus scene with a female equestrian on a galloping horse, a standing clown to her left, and a pierrot to her right, all under draped circus tent curtains, created with bold and delicate lines in black on creamy white paper.

Au cirque: Écuyère, clown et pierrot

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9623

 Black and white etching titled "Cirque et catch" by Pablo Picasso, featuring a stylized horse on the left, a prominent female figure in the center with sharp features, and surrounding characters that evoke a sense of movement and theatrical performance.

Cirque et catch

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9621

 A black, white, and gray etching titled "Char romain, avec écuyère tombant, femme nue et spectateurs" by Pablo Picasso, depicting an abstract scene with a fallen chariot rider, a nude female figure, and onlookers, rendered in Picasso's signature Cubist style.

Char romain, avec écuyière tombant, femme nue et spectateurs

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9606

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Homme moyenâgeux au cirque" featuring abstract and representational elements including a medieval figure amid a busy circus scene, rendered in varying intensities of line work on paper.

Homme moyenâgeux au cirque

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9601

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Char romain avec vieil athlète, écuyère, odalisque et spectateur" featuring four stylized figures including an older athlete, a performing equestrian, a relaxed odalisque, and an engaged spectator, all rendered in Picasso's expressive line work with varying degrees of shading and textural detail.

Char romain avec vieil athlète, écuyière, odalisque et spectateur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9592

 Monochromatic etching titled "Écuyère de cirque, homme rembranesque et spectateur mal rasé" by Picasso depicting circus-themed figures with a central horseback performer, a strong male figure, and an unshaven spectator, using fine lines and cross-hatching on white paper.

Écuyère de cirque, homme rembranesque et spectateur mal rasé

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9584

 Etching on paper titled "Spectacle de gladiateurs" by Pablo Picasso, depicting an abstract and surreal scene with several disproportionate human figures and a central creature resembling a horse engaged in a gladiatorial event, rendered in black line art on a white background.

Spectacle de gladiateurs

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9578

 "Dans l'atelier du sculpteur" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching on paper featuring abstract and stylized figures in a sculptor's studio. The image is composed of expressive line work and is devoid of color, highlighting the interaction between the figures and the creative atmosphere of the setting.

Dans l'atelier du sculpteur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9572

Black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Au cirque: Acrobates, girafe, nageuses..." depicting abstracted and fragmented circus imagery, including figures resembling acrobats and a giraffe among other forms on paper, showcasing Picasso's line work with an emphasis on movement and surreal composition.

Au cirque: Acrobates, girafe, nageuses...

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9569

 Etching titled "Vieux bouffon contemplant des acrobates" by Pablo Picasso, featuring abstract and figurative elements with figures resembling acrobats amidst a chaotic backdrop of lines on paper, in monochromatic shades of black, white, and gray.

Vieux bouffon contemplant des acrobates. I

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9564

 A monochromatic etching titled "Riders and Female Juggler" by Pablo Picasso, showing a large female figure to the right, presumably a juggler, with two male figures riding horses to the left, all depicted with expressive

Riders and female Juggler

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9558

 "Peintre peignant sur son modèle" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching depicting an abstract scene with a central figure portrayed as an artist and another form to the right, amidst a backdrop of swirling lines and varied textures, capturing the kinetic energy of the artistic process.

Peintre peignant sur son modèle

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9553

 Black-and-white lithograph titled "Sirkusartister" by Erich Heckel depicting two performers, one balancing on a ball wearing a dress and another standing beside in a dark suit and hat, against an abstract, chaotic background suggesting a circus environment.


Erich Heckel

Relevance Score: 0.9546

 A black and white fine art print by Pablo Picasso, featuring abstract, intertwined figures of both humans and creatures with a fusion of cubist and surreal elements, highlighted by sharp line work and etching on paper.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9544

 A black and white Pablo Picasso drypoint print titled "Le Cirque. Répétition" on paper, featuring an abstract scene of circus performers in a rehearsal, distinguished by expressive lines and textural shading on a neutral background.

Le Cirque. Répétition

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9541

 "Télévision: Course de chars à l'antique. II" by Pablo Picasso, a drypoint etching on paper, depicting a dynamic ancient chariot race with a charioteer and two horses in expressive lines, emphasizing movement and tension on an off-white background.

Télévision: Course de chars à l'antique. II

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9541

 A black and white Picasso etching titled "Maja et putto, cavalier et diablotin voyeur" on paper, featuring a whimsical scene with abstract figures suggestive of a woman, a cherub, a knight, and a small devil. The work exhibits expressive lines and

Maja et putto, cavalier et diablotin voyeur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9540

 A monochromatic etching on paper by Pablo Picasso titled "Comédiens ambulants, avec autoportrait au chapeau d'arlequin et combat de coqs," depicting a group of performers with a large central wagon wheel, a self-portrait of the artist as a harlequin, figures engaged in animated interactions, and a cockfight, all rendered in intricate black line work on a white background.

Comédiens ambulants, avec autoportrait au chapeau d'arlequin et comat de coqs

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9538

 "Gladiatorleker" by Pablo Picasso - A monochromatic etching on paper featuring a dynamic composition with numerous figures in various poses of combat and motion, captured in Picasso's distinct line art style.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9536

 This is "Couple en carrosse et pauvre piéton" by Pablo Picasso, a monochromatic etching on paper showing a detailed horse-drawn carriage with a couple inside, a coachman to the side, and a less detailed figure of a poor pedestrian to the left. The etching focuses on contrasts between wealth and poverty, using clean lines and

Couple en carrosse et pauvre piéton

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9533

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Jeune femme et gentilhomme; sculpture égyptienne au socle peint" featuring abstract figures in a composition that reflects the artist's cubist style, executed on paper with distinctive lines and contrasts.

Jeune femme et gentilhomme; sculpture égyptienne au socle peint

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9531

 "Bakkanal med minotaur" by Pablo Picasso, a black and white etching depicting the mythical Minotaur surrounded by human figures in various poses of a bacchanal on white paper. The scene is lively and intricate, with Picasso's signature sharp line work creating a sense of depth and movement.

Bakkanal med minotaur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9530

 "Billedhuggere, modeller og skulptur" by Pablo Picasso, a monochrome etching depicting abstracted figures of sculptors, models, and sculptures on paper, with emphasis on line art and contouring.

Billedhuggere, modeller og skulptur

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9522

 "Portrettet" by Pablo Picasso, a line etching on paper showcasing an abstract figure in an intimate embrace, rendered in a monochromatic palette with intricate lines and varying shades of gray on a white background.


Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9522

 Black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Groupe avec vieillard à la torche sur un âne amoureux, femme et arlequin" depicting an intertwined group of figures including an elderly man with a torch, a donkey, a lover, a woman, and a harlequin on paper. The artwork showcases a mix of abstract and distorted characters engaging in a dynamic and narrative scene, with a range of line thicknesses suggesting texture and movement.

Groupe avec vieillard à la torche sur un âne amoureux, femme et arlequin

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9521

 A black and white etching by Pablo Picasso titled "Au cirque: Haltérophile" featuring a strongman lifting a barbell with two female figures in the background, one with curvaceous outlines and the other in a harlequin patterned outfit, within an abstracted circus setting, rendered in bold, expressive lines.

Au cirque: Haltérophile

Pablo Picasso

Relevance Score: 0.9520