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Related objects for NG.K&H.1966.0368.
Showing 30 of 9998 indexed objects

 A black and white woodcut print titled "Skrik" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring a solitary figure with a distorted and elongated face screaming amidst a chaotic backdrop of dense, vertical lines, creating a powerful expression of emotion and turmoil.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 1.0000

 "Gjenganger" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut print on paper showing a spectral figure rising from a watery surface, possibly a spirit or ghost, with a haunting and enigmatic atmosphere. The image features high contrast between black and white, with the use of negative space to define forms and textures.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9596

 "I skogen," a monochromatic fine art print by Håkon Stenstadvold, depicting an abstract representation of a dense forest with vertical lines in varying shades of black and gray suggesting a series of trees with light filtering through, evoking the feel of a tranquil forest on paper.

I skogen

Håkon Stenstadvold

Relevance Score: 0.9594

 A black and white woodcut print titled "And He passed out of the city" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting a figure moving from a dark confined space into a lighter area with vertical line textures in the background.

"And He passed out of the city"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9585

 An abstract black and white woodcut print titled "Selvportrett" by Ludvig Eikaas, depicting a minimalist interpretation of a face with bold, expressive lines against a textured paper background.


Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9584

 A black-and-white abstract woodcut print titled "Drømmen IV" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring rounded, textured forms created with dense vertical lines on a light paper background, with the artist's signature at the bottom right.

Drømmen IV

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9584

 "I skogen" by Håkon Stenstadvold, a monochromatic wood engraving on paper featuring a dense and textured depiction of a forest with tall, slender trees in shades of black, white, and gray. The contrast of light and dark enhances the verticality and depth of the scene.

I skogen

Håkon Stenstadvold

Relevance Score: 0.9582

 "Snarvei" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print showing a shadowy figure standing near an illuminated opening, with the interplay of light and dark creating a dramatic atmosphere on paper.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9582

 A minimalistic woodcut print titled "Ravn" by Niclas Gulbrandsen on paper, featuring a black silhouette of a raven in profile view with its beak open against an off-white background, with indistinguishable text above the bird.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9576

 A black and white woodcut titled "vi går" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, showing an abstract, textured side profile of a figure in solid black with jagged edges on a clean white paper background, signed by the artist with the year 1997 at the bottom.

vi går

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9574

 "Johannes" by Håkon Stenstadvold, a visual art piece featuring three woodcut prints on paper displayed on a white background. Each print depicts a similar scene with a figure in black and white, offering variations of the subject seated on a wooden platform, capturing motion or a sequence of movements.


Håkon Stenstadvold

Relevance Score: 0.9569

' "Splinten og bjelken" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut on paper depicting two figures engaging with one another in a dialogue or exchange, set against a stark black background that enhances the dramatic interaction. The white space of the paper is used to illuminate the figures, creating a strong visual contrast.

Splinten og bjelken

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9565

 "Noe svevende" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a woodcut on paper featuring an abstract, organic form in lighter grey central tones amidst a dark, textured background with cross-hatched lines. The contrast of light against dark creates a sense of movement and fragility.

Noe svevende

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9565

 "Skumringstimen" by Ludvig Eikaas, a black and white woodcut print on paper depicting an abstract scene with two figures in an interior space, characterized by contrasting lights and darks, creating a thoughtful and introspective atmosphere.


Ludvig Eikaas

Relevance Score: 0.9564

 Black and white woodcut print titled "Svup" by Niclas Gulbrandsen depicting an abstract figure in a dynamic pose with elements of thick lines and textured patterns, suggesting motion and intensity.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9562

 Black and white woodcut print "Igjennom" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring a group of shadowy figures huddled together in a dense, dark setting that resembles a forest, with a strong contrast between the black ink and the white paper.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9558

 Black and white woodcut print titled 'Composition' by artist Erik Harry Johannessen, featuring a stylized tree on the left and a mythological figure seated to the right, rendered in bold contrasts and organic textures.


Erik Harry Johannessen

Relevance Score: 0.9558

 A black and white woodcut print by Niclas Gulbrandsen titled "And the young man looked up and recognised Him and made answer, 'But I was dead once and you raised me from the dead. What else should I do but weep?'" It features a sorrowful, upward-looking face with highlights emerging from a dark background, with vertical lines suggestive of rain. The print carries the artist's initials and the year '87 in the lower right.

"And the young man looked up and recognised Him and made answer, 'But I was dead once and you raised me from the dead. What else should I do but weep?'"

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9558

 A print by Niclas Gulbrandsen featuring a small, detailed black and white woodcut of a character wearing a decorative hat centered on cream-colored paper, with 'NICLAS GULBRANDSEN TRESNITT' printed above and some descriptive Norwegian text below.

Ukjent tittel

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9558

 Monochromatic woodcut print titled "Søndag ettermiddag kl. 13.06" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, featuring the silhouette of a figure in motion with extended limbs, against a backdrop of vertical and horizontal lines that suggest an interior space with dramatic lighting.

Søndag ettermiddag kl. 13.06

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9557

 A fine art woodcut print titled "Er det noen der?" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, showcasing an abstract, possibly architectural form with sharp lines against a dark background, creating a play of light and shadow in black and white tones.

Er det noen der?

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9557

 "Takk for i dag" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a stark black and white woodcut print on paper depicting a solitary stylized figure with vertical lines in the background, giving an impression reminiscent of rain or energy lines.

Takk for i dag

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9553

 "Også du!" - a black and white woodcut on paper by Niclas Gulbrandsen featuring a figure in a long coat and hat, in mid-motion, with clenched hands, set against a backdrop suggestive of a wooden fence, creating a dramatic tableau with high contrast and a sense of dynamic movement.

Også du!

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9551

 "Stordrikker" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print on paper depicting abstract human figures in vertical white lines against a black background, with one figure visibly separated and crouched on the ground.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9550

 "Galgenfugler" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, a black and white woodcut print showing an abstract bird-like figure with spread wings and a pronounced beak, set against a background of vertical lines suggestive of confinement or a natural setting.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9548

 Black and white woodcut titled "Aldri" by Niclas Gulbrandsen, depicting two figures from behind as they walk through a dark, possibly snowy environment, leaving a trail of footprints, with the image conveying a somber and mysterious atmosphere.


Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9546

 "Angst, aggresjon - gjenholdenhet I" by Arne Bendik Sjur, a black and white drypoint engraving on paper, depicting a solitary, whimsical creature at the center of a vast white space with signature and edition number at the bottom of the print.

Angst, aggresjon - gjenholdenhet I

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9546

 Lithograph on paper of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch depicting a figure with hands on its face in an open-mouthed scream, standing on a bridge with a turbulent, lined sky and water in the background, and two distant figures standing still.

The Scream

Edvard Munch

Relevance Score: 0.9545

 "I blomsterengen" by Niclas Gulbrandsen – a woodcut print depicting an abstract black shape amidst a dense pattern of black vertical lines resembling a wild meadow, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding white paper.

I blomsterengen

Niclas Gulbrandsen

Relevance Score: 0.9543

 "Voldsomme bevegelser. Han skriker" by Arne Bendik Sjur, a drypoint on paper depiction of a dynamic, monochromatic figure in an abstract, tunnel-like space, suggesting intense movement or a scream, using stark black-and-white contrast.

Voldsomme bevegelser. Han skriker

Arne Bendik Sjur

Relevance Score: 0.9543