
Embracing Scrollytelling: A Fresh Approach to Digital Storytelling at the National Museum

At the National Museum, we are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance our digital presence and make our collections more accessible and engaging for our diverse audience. To this end, we are excited to introduce a fresh approach to digital storytelling: Scrollytelling.

Why Scrollytelling?

Scrollytelling is a digital storytelling technique that uses the simple action of scrolling to guide users through a narrative. By seamlessly blending text, visuals, audio, and animations, it creates an immersive and interactive user experience. This multifaceted exploration of a story makes the content more engaging and memorable and provides a dynamic journey through time and space that transcends the constraints of traditional linear storytelling.

The Development Process

Implementing scrollytelling in our digital exhibits involves a meticulous and comprehensive process:

1. **Concept and Planning**: The process begins by outlining the main narrative, identifying key sections, and deciding on the types of multimedia content to be included. We also define the overall user experience goals and identify how scrollytelling can help achieve these.

2. **Content Development**: This phase involves creating the text, visuals, audio, and any other necessary content. We pay careful attention to ensure that each piece of content supports the overall narrative and user experience.

3. **Design and Prototyping**: We create initial designs for the scrollytelling experience and build prototypes. This phase involves iterative testing and refinement to ensure the user experience is engaging and intuitive.

4. **Development**: The final scrollytelling experience is built using advanced web technologies. This includes integrating all the content into the scrollytelling framework and ensuring smooth functionality across different devices and browsers.

5. **Testing and Refinement**: We conduct thorough testing, including user testing, to identify and rectify any issues. This also involves refining the content and design based on feedback and test results.

6. **Launch and Promotion**: The scrollytelling experience is finally launched and promoted through various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and collaborations with relevant organizations or influencers.

Rhythm and Balance in Scrollytelling

Achieving the right rhythm and balance in a scrollytelling article is crucial for maintaining user engagement and delivering a compelling narrative. This involves varying the pace and intensity of the experience, using different types of content to sustain the user’s interest, and ensuring each section flows naturally into the next.

We are excited to harness the power of scrollytelling to bring our exhibitions to life in a new and engaging way. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of digital storytelling at the National Museum.



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By Tord Nilsen

Hello, I'm Tord Nilsen, currently serving as a Senior Advisor at Nasjonalmuseet with a focus on digital innovation and artificial intelligence (AI). My professional journey is a tapestry woven with strands of coding, design, and a profound understanding of human behavior, nurtured during my time as a personal assistant. I am deeply passionate about merging technology with empathy to transform the way we experience cultural heritage. At Nasjonalmuseet, I lead initiatives that leverage AI to make our museum collections more accessible and engaging. I'm particularly involved in developing open APIs and creating digital experiences that are centered around the user. My role is not just about preserving our cultural legacy; it's about bringing it to life in the digital realm, ensuring that it resonates with and is accessible to everyone.